Ellie Opulent

OMG she was DISGUSTING. It gave me awful sex ed flashbacks.

Not if he wears that wig!

I don't know. He has choices now.

Yeah, why doesn't HE meet the kids?

She's probably making things up. It's a small town and her boss sucks.

I suck at science, so I like it.

The more I think about it, the more stupid it seems. You really expect a hundred teenagers to keep a secret because their teacher told them to? And not one of them wants to go look? In any group of three teenagers, you have one who's brave and rebellious enough to jump a fence or at least talk back to their

In real life it's in DC. Just to clarify. So maybe that was satellite. Even so, do we need that many employees just in case Pres comes to visit?

No, it always says Secret Service Headquarters, doesn't it?

I think that's just going to be a plothole. I doubt there's a conspiracy there, Pilcher was just impatient. But again: why so many people? He wasn't saving them from anything. Just raid a sperm bank or something, get some leftover eggs, and freeze those and you and your sister and a couple other women to be safe and

Wait- does Theresa STILL think her husband is out trying to escape? Why doesn't she think he's dead yet? Why isn't she freaking out?

Ooh of course. This is one of those things that drives me crazy (like many old-timey novels and film adaptations) because most of their problems would be solved by having a goddamn cell phone. "Hey, Theresa, honey, there are crazy mutants outside. So hang tight and don't dig tunnels until I get home around eight."

And a barista who has serious boundary issues.

Well in case there's a Y2K crisis in a bar, we're good.

And why did they lose two men getting a picture of an abbie when they had one right there? Put a green screen, boom. There's your scare photo.

The power is probably wind or something. No one else needs it. The new superhumans took at least 100 years to develop because that orphan girl's grandkids weren't affected.

OK. To recap: Pilcher is a dick, but he's a truth-telling dick. Pam is weird, but she's not all that smart. Kate is smart but is going to die. Ethan just gave up very easily and was probably very bad at being a Secret Service agent if he stopped asking questions at that point.

Let's see. So far, he killed 1000 or so people by missing a giant bomb in a car. Then he immediately (or before, too, we don't know) had an affair with a much younger employee while his wife sacrificed her career to have a child. Seems like a natural leader.

Good to know. For Y4K, I guess?

2500 people who got into car crashes with no traces of the body right around Boise, ID.