Ellie Opulent

Good point. But why not cremate Beverley and the guy, then? Maybe that was for fear reasons. Burning alive works, it makes people less mad at the sheriff, too. It just sees like a good shock factor would be having Theresa find corpses.

We did. That exercise machine. They just live there.

A few things:

Probably worried someone remembers him who isn't supposed to. Many of them lived through the nineties.


I bet Lot 33 is corpses.

That would have been funny. "Hi guys! Nice suits you've got on there."

Were they all brilliant? So far we know a very principled security guard, four Secret Service agents, and a doctor. So I guess so.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one to notice the bags. And the little girl was leaning it to her mom. God, that was frightening. Although I can't see how they just agreed, the kids, to put bags on their heads. Even I know you're supposed to KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN.

How about O'Brien becomes president? Then time jump four years in the future, Tom James v. Selina.

Can you be in the House and VP at the same time? You probably can't be a Senator as you'd forfeit your deciding vote.

Poor DC. Houses 535 Congresspeople and doesn't have a single one who has any power. We are literally the cradle of democracy and we don't get to participate. BUT, question: If DC grew enough to merit another House member, would we get another elector?

I thought that was Sabato, with the funny hair. But who knows.

Also you need a majority, not a plurality. So it might not work.

No, because wouldn't the VP then just be inaugurated? So it would be too late.

As Veep says, why the hell are there an even number of electoral votes? Third party canddiates aren't that common.

Was that or was that not a Bernie Sanders joke?

We met O'Brien a long time ago and he was extremely conservative. Like REALLY conservative. That time with the Cuban cigars. He was sexist, racist, you name it conservative. He must have changed.

MD is really liberal. The only reason they elected a R governor is because the D candidate was literally a stick figure brought to life and told to say a few generic political words. At least Hogan smiles. And VA is kind of conservative in a lot of areas and feels itself to be very different from MD. (I live in DC and

I think Maryland and RI are the top? HI and MN are in there somewhere. MN has stupendously liberal Senators. It actually just has stupendous Senators. Klobuchar is the most admirable politician I've ever heard of (no significant scandals, plays by the rules, versatile, and ambitious in a good way) and Al Gore is a