Ellie Opulent

It's a REALLY huge problem. Our democracy is essentially ceremonial. An 18 year old in Colorado's vote counts at least a thousand times more than someone in Maryland or Texas. A good way to think about it: If every state had a single voter show up at the polls, someone in, say, Maryland, would have a 99.9% chance of

It's very correct spam.

It wouldn't take her that long. Short movie.

Her interactions with Dan, with her nervous voice, seemed bordering on affection. I don't know. They keep the hope of a relationship alive so very perfectly.

Or be a bad president.

I think they'll have a really great dynamic. Maybe he'll be shot.

I thought sister, too. She definitely was shown with a man in bed in the third season I think and then the whole Kent thing. Although there is a dearth of gay characters overall.

The question is: who will make her Veep? Tom James must hate her guts, and I bet she'll ask for Treasury Secretary, he'll refuse, and someone will bribe her into taking the VP slot. Then maybe TJ will resign, or go for one term or something. I have a feeling the show will end with Selina becoming President or quitting

It's really embarrassing to concede and be wrong.

They finally told us the parties today. I admire how they didn't go all out and say "Democrat" or "Republican," but still it wasn't exactly a cipher (not that it was before- a female Senator from MD with her campaign manager from DC and all-northern staff isn't exactly nonpartisan). The one thing I thought was really

I'm distinctly less creeped out by the show now. Before the abbies, it was much scarier. Now it all seems neatly sorted out. I don't have to worry anymore.

I would be really scared to be her child. Not because of personality reasons, but because I'd always be afraid I was about to be punsihed.

Especially because Ben's crush looks so young. She has a very innocent face and it's very scary.

Ep. 7 is called "Betrayal." Who's it gonna be? My money's on Kate.

Honestly, Boise wasn't a huge loss.

I don't know if the mutants and people ever existed at the same time, or if it's meant to be evolution. I think they were a government project, but it's possible this project just involved super fast evolution.

Pam was a prostitute before WP, so she might still be in her free time. She is wearing a nurse costume.

Oooh….. I like this. It would explain why Pilcher's rarely in town.

Yeah- why did they freeze in 2014? Was it just to be safe? You'd think they'd wait as long as humanly possible, the abbies weren't created until at least 2094.

Because the abbies didn't just evolve. Humanity has hardly evolved at all for 10,000 years- they didn't suddenly become monsters in 2,000, especially not with current medical technology. I bet he created them genetically so he could play God and make this new world.