Ellie Opulent

1. Why is there so much security? What's it for?
2. How much does Pam know?
3. Did they ever perform brain surgery?
4. 2014 years isn't dust on your car. It's your car has become dust. Was that just bad special effects or did they maybe have stages between 2014 and 4028? Also, I am bad at chemistry, I may be wrong about

But back in 2014, where the Secret Service obviously knew what was going on with Wayward and sent the agents intentionally, they seemed freaked out that Theresa was on her way. The family may have been a desperate attempt to keep Ethan there and Theresa from finding out and spreading the news. She was, after all, a

Did we figure out what ice cream means yet? Is it, like, a relic of human civilization?

I'm cool with that. Mr. Pilcher?

It's odd to me that they chose people who know each other. I mean, nearly 8 billion people on the planet and three members of the same secretive government division all end up in the town? They could have at least gone to the trouble of awakening them at the same time to avoid suspicion. This seems deliberate.

1. No crickets wasn't meaningful. All it was meant to be was a reason for Ethan to discover the security cameras, because they made cricket sounds.
2. Pilcher, I suppose, but why?
3. Probably just broke it. We don't know if there was a real accident, anyway- they cut the brake line, but does that mean they have dozens

It seems to me that Pilcher is full of shit. Why do the reckonings with a severely limited population? Why indoctrinate future children to believe that exploration is bad and public execution for not answering the phone is OK? Why perform weird-ass brain surgery on everyone and give them no information? If they just

Right? And her ex hasn't come back into the picture yet, you'd think he'd want some sort of benefits for his sleazy job. Or at least some quality Oval Office sex.

They might have been more overt about the meat in that case, though. Their eating is never really a big deal, in fact they hardly ever do it. But it would make sense with Pope's thing about the truth.

The guy is Kate's husband, right? Is thatjust actor convenience, or does he end up there too? Or are my eyes just bad?

Ooh and the sheriff had a fetish for breast milk so that's why he ate all that ice cream

That Berverley line has been gnawing at me, and it supports the clone theory. Or they knew each other before.
I think it was between 9/11 and OK City levels of death. So enough to be a huge shock, but not enough to change the world. I think he was just on patrol and let a guy go past. But the town population

I am really, really excited for next week. I've preemptively reserved the television for myself that hour. Whatever it is, it'll either allow me to quit the show or get me truly, entirely hooked, and I'm pretty thrilled with either possibility. The theories I see are:
-World disaster between 2014 and 2028 caused

It's a bit odd to me that the security in Wayward is so spotty. There are cameras in the toilet, but not on the rock wall that gets you out of the town? That information was ridiculously easy to steal. It almost seems like the thing they needed Ethan for was to discover all this stuff so he could spark some sort of

"Senior Realtor"

Maybe there's some sort of genetic superiority thing. It's probably just a movie-star thing, but most of the town is very healthy (empty hospital) and attractive. The receptionist is the only one remotely overweight. Also: where the hell does all the clothing come from?

If I were doing graffiti I wouldn't be so eloquent about it. His sentence was ridiculously long. Just scrawl something like "The Truth is Out There" like a normal rebel.

Hm, I forgot about that. So did everyone else, apparently. Maybe the bombing was some sort of prelude to a greater world disaster which killed everyone but those inside. It's curious to me that everyone who ended up in Wayward was traveling. Ethan was on a mission, Theresa and Ben were finding him, realtor guy was at

Yup seems to me the kids are running the place somehow. I also can't shake the idea that Nurse Pam knows nothing. She's creepy, but not quite sinister. She really seems like something between a puppet and an obsessive rule-follower.

The time theory #2 could still have Ethan seeing his family. Imagine every event we outside of Wayward was in 2014. So he disappeared then, and they went to look for him then. They were in the car crash, taken, and stored in those pods we saw in the supply warehouse. Then in 2028, Ethan wakes up, causes trouble, and