Ellie Opulent

Following the convention, can you even do that? It would require some serious wrangling from party officials, a lot of whom would probably not support it for feminist reasons. It would be political suicide to make so many people angry or confused. I just wonder why Tom James wasn't running for president at the time.

I continue to love the lack of romance, in any form, on this show. Amy and Dan shouting in a small car together, newfound best friends who only ever see each other in business casual dress? It's like they filmed the make-out scene later and then cut it. Kent and Sue's (brief?) fling seems to have ended entirely,

It's really low budget. None of the special creepy effects (cannibal lizards, phones, etc) are anything but audio, which is really easy to do. A lot of the horror is music and fake blood (this is not to diminish the show, it's no worse for it, but it's true.) They literally need one block of suburban houses, half an

Yeah, why would the cop actor do this after Empire?


I missed this- did the Burke's proceed to go under the fence, then? To the lizards? Also- why is there no police department? It seems like Howard is a puppet, sure, but a really easy to kill puppet, given that he has to wait a second and put his hat on and say canned lines before shooting people. It's almost like they

In those advertisements for "Gone," that companion series, is the guy the same as Kate's husband? Just curious.

Anyone else notice there's no alcohol in this town? At the bar, Ethan wasn't served any.

I heard that too, but then the guy said some number into a walkie-talkie like maybe he was conspiring with whoever the doctor works for and wanted to not talk about Beverly.

Well, who knows how long they were in the hospital for. It could've been the same sequence.

Note that the doctor and bellboy look exactly the same.

That makes a whole lot of sense. Ethan is constantly having blackouts, and I always wonder why they don't just get rid of him. It seems like they need him for something, like this experiment is coming to a head with him there. And they thought without his family he'd never stay.

One thing that does disprove your theory, although I'm still behind it and agree with you about the general idea (there was an old woman in this episode, crying in the beginning shot of the execution, who looked just like Juliette Lewis): We saw Beverly's body in the same place as Evans'. This means that one central