
Perlmutter's why it took so long to greenlight Black Panther and Captain Marvel. He's a nasty piece of work.

I think that was one of the reasons Stark was such a mess in that film. He needs her to keep him stable.

Pa Kent in MoS was a travesty.

I cannot stand what they've done to Lois in those movies - she acts about as much like a Pulitzer Prize winner as she does like a turnip. Running around the Arctic with her parka unzipped was asinine.

Actually, he was hanging out playing pinochle with Bucky Barnes.

Even better: the banter between Steve and Natasha in Winter Soldier. That scene where they're calming discussing why he won't date a girl with a lip piercing right after she chucks Sitwell off the roof was perfect.

Much of Wonder Woman was probably already in the can when Batman v. Superman came out.

Have you actually looked at Greek or Roman armor? Because a lot of it did indeed bare the upper arms/shoulder joint and neck. Full body armor is a later development which occurred well after the Classical/Hellenistic time period that inspired the armor in this movie.

His uncle's a Congressman from Massachusetts, so it's in his blood.

I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that Spencer has connections either to the MRA or alt right. A lot of so-called "liberal" men have been radicalized and have kept it under the radar lately.

Someone on Tumblr proposed a petition campaign for Evans to put on the Cap suit and punch Trump in the face, then crowdfund his legal expenses. That's not the worst idea I've heard lately.

It's the House. They don't filibuster.

More like Baron Harkonnen's uglier brother.

The Pulitzer Committee says otherwise, unless Hamilton is a figment of my imagination.

Suggestion: start a petition drive for Chris Evans to put on his Captain America suit and then beat the crap out of Bannon. Put it on pay per view, all proceeds split between cancer charities and refugee location.

Oh yes there is. It's called "Nocturna, Dracula's Granddaughter," and it's the world's only low budget vampire disco musical.


That's not what this issue seems to be about.

Because it's an anti-Semitic slap at everything Simon and Kirby intended? Because it's a shitty dystopian plotline that wouldn't fly on Fanfiction.net? Because it's pure frigidity? Because it just plain sucks?

I'm stunned that Spencer still has a job.