
I heard from a comic shop employee that turning Steve Rogers into a Nazi caused a LOT of people to drop Marvel's entire line in disgust. Add in the pointless, endless, and meaningless "great big events everyone knows will be retconned in two years," and it's a miracle anyone gives a damn.

The place is a home for children undergoing cancer treatment. Shame on you.

Agreed. It was an obvious running play, not a passing play. What he was thinking is beyond me - and no, I'm not a Pats fan. I'm a Steelers fan, at least when Ben "Rapo" Roethlisberger isn't their QB.

Not to mention that Evans has been raising money for Christopher's Haven for a while. The director is a friend of his family.

Evans has done it for years on the quiet.

The suit looked like rubber, and it was. Chiklis deserved better.

The worst of it was her hair. And the script, which reduced her to a petulant ninny.

It wasn't the same, but there were pretty strict rules against male visitors.

Women still defend misogyny and keep other women in place to a truly astonishing degree. Look at Phyllis Schlafly, Concerned Women for America, and all the Republican women who vote to restrict their own rights. This landlady has a lot of company.

No, WE created the Taliban by arming the "freedom fighters" against the Soviet Union. Bhutto might have joined other countries (including the United States) in seeing them as a stabilizing force in the 90's, but she reversed course within a year.

Iron Man was a World War II vet? He always came across as about ten years too young for that.

Kerry Washington was Alicia Masters? Good heavens, I had no idea.

Absolute and utter bullshit, and you know it. Go back to your MRA site and leave the grownups alone, you little troll.

"And then I write
From morn to night
And afternoon
And pretty soon
My name in Petropavlovsk is cursed
When he finds out I publish first!"