
Thank you for explaining Total Football. I always appreciate the insights about football from commenters here, because the show is kind of light on them!

Or just someone familiar with the Netherlands (i.e. Brendan Hunt). Canada is well loved there because Canadians liberated it from the Germans during WWII. It’s exactly the kind of detail Dutch people would put into a song like that.

Ted’s passion isn’t supposed to be for soccer, it’s for helping others find the best in themselves and see it in others.

Your point is well articulated, but.......Ted has been very up front about what kind of show it is from Season 1 episode 1. Ted cares about helping people grow into the best people they can be first, and winning games in whatever sport it is second. He tells Trent Crimm this twice so there is no mistake. Whether you

There’s this aspect about Ted Lasso that has probably been discussed even here in detail in that as much as the show has been a huge hit in North America, in England it isn’t really that huge of a thing. I’d actually expand on that in that as much as I follow European football, Ted Lasso isn’t the kind of a presence

I know it’s called Total Football, I’m sure if I was talking with my friends about it in my relatively rural area I would recognize it as Total Football. However, after this episode, when it’s shown in the episode it’s probably going to stick in my brain as the triangle offense. Thanks, Tex and Phil.

There is also the possibility that—DON’T HIT WOMEN. 

Same as the OLD Kang amirite?

Meet the new Kang...

it really depends on what your definition of ‘redemption’ is. if it’s ‘still working in hollywood’, i think there’s a probability he will return to being in tv and movies, eventually.

William Jackson Harper’s character was the real Kang all along. Bingo bango  bongo. 

Well come on. She grabbed his phone. What, was he supposed to not beat the shit out of her? She made him do it! 

Dude hasn’t even faced legal punishment yet, let’s not be so quick to talk about “redemption” before he even faces consequences of his alleged actions. Also redemption requires owning up to, apologizing for and taking action to correct/prevent future issues, it’s not simply owed and certainly Majors has taken zero

You know, call me cynical, but I have a feeling this video “evidence of innocence” is actually more like, “evidence that his actions were really bad but not entirely one-sided and unprovoked that we’re hoping can be used along with an uncooperative victim to convince prosecutors to drop the case so we can declare to

He was this close to having the world eating out of the palm of his hand. How is “don’t do abusive asshole things” such a high bar to clear, particularly with the kind of money he could be making at stake?!

The closest thing I can think of is Dan Harmon and Megan Ganz, which is a relatively mild controversy. Aziz Ansari also seems to have reached some sort of reconciliation with his accuser, though his career has yet to fully recover.  If MeToo ends up achieving some real long term success (which is still far from

However this shakes out, it isn’t as if Kang isn’t one of the easiest characters to recast. Fuck, have that Kang be taken out by a DIFFERENT Kang. Problem solved.

Those text messages were dark as hell. Hard to believe his lawyers thought they would make him look good.

Women don’t “fake” strangulation marks. This is as low as those who defended R. Kelly preying on young teenage girls for sex & making porn videos. How about RAISING the standards of conduct we expect from Black men?

“Innocent or GUILTY, SHE’s already ruined his life”??? so, if Majors actually DID slap & choke her, the woman is wrong for going to police? It’s amazing that in 2023, physical assaults that if done to a STRANGER are considered a CRIME—but, if done to one’s girlfriend or wife...NOT so much. And that women should NOT