
From what I’ve read Buffalo has a fleet of vehicles capable of handling snow, but there were so many wrecks, cars and trucks hanging out of snowbanks, etc. that there was no way for them to access people who were calling for help.  Feet of snow dumped, covering everything and making it impossible to see if someone was

Yes, thank you for taking the opportunity to educate people instead of bash or play blame games. Everyone needs to know the danger of carbon monoxide poisoning, either in your car, or in the house with a generator.

EMPLOYERS ARE AT FAULT! They can demand that everyone must be out of the building at a certain time. Imo

They’re the real murderers, the company that forced her to come to work in a blizzard. Family should sue.

Yes, I’ve seen that buzzfeed post about employers not wanting to allow for weather and wondered how many people had died from behavior like that. This is a clear example- she should have been able to leave early or call out and then she’d likely be with us today

And you can’t just check the exhaust pipe once.  Check it every hour (or more frequently, if the snow is falling more quickly.)

Why didn’t they have chains on their tires?

Of course, if her employer had say, let her leave earlier since there was a state of emergency declared far earlier than evening then maybe she wouldn’t have gotten stuck in the first place.


Once I heard that you could get an IUD under sedation, it was the only way I would consider one. Like, you will put me the fuck out for that shit. Or I’m not interested. The medical field has this whole “suck it up, women, the pain isn’t that bad” complex and I am not here for it. Put me the fuck out. If/when I ever

From all the stories I’ve heard, it comes down to the professional inserting them. My insertion was pain-free. Uncomfortable pressure, but no pain. The contractions were a bitch, though. But many of my friends have more “war” stories than “picnic” stories.

I didn’t get any pain relief but my midwife was at least honest with me. Saying it was a contraction instead of calling it a pinch. It was worth the pain for the benefits of an IUD but it really hurts.

It’s also total insanity that you get numbed for a filling or getting a mole removed but nothing for an IUD.

Is prosperity gospel his gig? Or does he just collect like a crazy man and spend it all on himself?  I’m still trying to figure out how he could have been wearing $1 million of jewelry.  Smells a whole lot like an insurance scam to me.

When the doc was trying to give me an epidural for an emergency c-section after three days of labor and multiple doses of Pitocin (which makes your uterus contract) he yelled at me to “hold still.” My body was in the throes of doctor-induced heavy and constant contractions and was not under my control. I had decades

I must be a freak of nature, because I literally felt nothing when I recently had an IUD inserted a few weeks after giving birth. When I told my doctor and the nurse that I had absolutely no pain, they both looked at me like I was crazy, and said, “Really?!”
Prior to the appointment I had taken a double dose of both

IUD insertion is indeed incredibly painful. I was told it would be “some pressure.” While it was really more like an ice pick to the uterus.

“Because of his flashy wardrobe and charismatic behavior, he had been turned from “victim to villain,” in the media, Whitehead said in the interview.”

The man has made a living off defrauding the faithful (ignorant sky wizard worshipers) for his own gain. If Joel Osteen wasn’t so pasty, he would be facing federal charges as well.

“best dress bishop” aka A gigantic piece of shit.

Any religious figure preaching “Prosperity Gospel” needs to be in jail.