
Leave it to a person with a German username to correct English users. ;)

He’s already selling out his stadium shows in 2023, he is going to be just fine!

For you it’s rein-reign, for me it’s faze-phase. I’ve learned to accept it...sort of.

Hello, fellow pedant. May we find peace.

Well I don’t see how blessing the rains of The Daily Show is going to help them find a new host, but then again I’m no Hollywood insider.

The space was there, but not his space.  He created his space, and progress shrank the audience... the internet is a thing now.  And don’t call anyone Shirley.

Bless them. They were going to bless the rains down in Africa.

Pretty sure it’s “take the rains”, though I was never sure how they were going to take them down to Africa in the first place.

Eventually, a permanent host (or multiple, apparently) will take the reigns of the show, with current correspondents already being eyed for the gig.”

It’s a lot of agency to give a white man within a story about the horrors of slavery”

Here to say that Octavia Butler is fucking amazing and all her books should be (competently) adapted into every medium so as to expose her writings to larger audiences.

She probably wasn't a Trumper or a Scientologist in the 80s, which is the time I liked watching her on the screen. So I feel safe commemorating that Kirstie Alley. It's a bummer she slipped into whackadooism later in life. Hopefully now that she has reached Sto-Vo-Kor (having battled Khan Noonien Singh with Admiral

Some of the worst evils are those done in the name of Christ. These are people who, if Christ came back today, would absolutely crucify him as a warning to others for daring to question the establishment.

What the quote? “If clowns molested as many kids as pastors, the circus would be outlawed.” ?

Brian Houston, and his father and family and that cult they formed, are scum. Absolute scum.

Victim blaming a 7 year old is “getting hit by a car driven by God” level offense. 

This is part of why we don’t go to church. It’s filled with groomers and pedophiles and sycophants desperate to protect them so they can feel superior for forgiving an abuser. I choose to protect my child from predators and ensure he’s only exposed to more wholesome and accountable communities like the LGBTQ+

You’re just mad the red wave didn’t happen on election night. It’s okay, bud. You can still suppress people’s human rights within your own weird little home.

Wow, you’re one miserable piece of shit even if your bigoted Fox News loving ass can’t fucking recognize it lmfao.

Fuck off