
This erodes the whole idea of consent, which is not acceptable to me. Consent is the bedrock that gives some hope of moral and legal clarity, and helps identify sexual violence for what it is. Persuasion is not violation, even if the persuader is a jerk. Women and men need encouragement to communicate frankly,

I have no idea what is meant by “emotional manipulation”, especially when in the stories above it sometimes takes the form of lamenting that the man got the woman used to a certain kind of positive attention from him, but then refused to provide it all the time. This is... not a reasonable standard for judging

How quickly things like this are forgotten.

Same here. Despite the fact that I, like Kavanaugh, was a “virgin”. Being a virgin doesn’t protect you from aspersions cast on your character when you’re a woman, and male virgins are still capable of assaulting or attempting to assault people. Not sure why that is so hard to comprehend for all the people touting his

These claims almost always turn out to be some form of projection, so now I’m nervously wondering what the Chinese did manage to hack that Trump wants to conceal.

If the allegations against Lauer are true, he should be in prison; it shouldn’t be a question of “does he have a show again?”

You do not even know what a contradiction is; go read about it and come back later.

Not one single person who voted for Trump, because they felt so outraged at being shamed by “the Left”, is going to stop voting for him because people politely refrain from pointing out criminal behavior for what it is and expecting others to find it horrible. Bullshit. The way forward is for sane people to vote,

It’s so very simple, but when you don’t want to acknowledge the truth that these two things do not mean the same thing, it’s easy to argue on and on about a distracting trivial point!

Do you run around demanding that victims of car theft write up legislation concerning the punishment of car thieves? honestly.

Why do sexual crimes have to be treated differently from anything else? If you commit other crimes, the whole society, victims or not, comes up with a plan to punish you. Perhaps the goal is redemption, or compensation to the victims or others, or we want to rehabilitate you, or we simply need to impose a penalty that

No, the claim was that victims aren’t responsible for providing the road map. Victims are not obligated to redeem those who have harmed them. This is not the case for any other crime; why would it be true here?

Those statements are in no way contradictory. Parse if you can’t tell why.

Can you produce even one example of such a person? I think they are all made of straw.

Come again? The lack of empathy for white dudes’ criminal behavior is why non-white-dudes are disproportionately incarcerated in an increasingly privatized prison industry? Sympathy for white male sex predators solves this... how?

Because he is TOTALLY WRONG about what actually creates monsters and causes violence. The lack of sympathetic redemption of monsters is not what creates them!

Because maybe they’re waiting for an apology, or some bare minimum of effort at rehabilitation? I don’t think anyone is suggesting that former gang members jump straight from crime to redemption without any intervening actions.

“Caught up” is what happens when a predator shuts the door on you and blocks it so you are forced to watch him jerk off. I think technically it’s called false imprisonment though.

Well, what’s his solution? He seems to think that the victims have responsibility for redeeming their assailants! No. How about if people like Louis CK make a real apology, not a shitty, self-centered one, and take concrete, meaningful actions to provide some sort of recompense for the damage caused? Notify when there

Amusingly he doesn’t even try to spell out what a pathway “back” would look like, but assumes it will happen by magic and should be handled by all those MeToo people. What, his victims now need to be his redeemers? Ridiculous. It’s not as if we don’t know what a pathway back looks like; it starts with a real apology