
I would just like to ask her that if she believes in Adam and Eve (who I’m sure she believes were white), where do all the other races come from? How did we get here? Either her head is going to explode from thinking about it or mine is from her answer.

A: Her hair is gorgeous. I love the blue in there.

Speaking as a guest Wypipo parent, I’ve gotta say that the level of policing of Black children’s appearance is in astonishing contrast to the level of sloppiness (and for boys) grossness that, for example, is standard among my kid’s contemporaries. We routinely send him to school and sports with grubby, greasy hair,

The border patrol agents aren’t taking the items and throwing them away asshole; they’re breaking the items and spilling the contents and leaving them there.

Literally, “I can’t throw the book at that black child now, but maybe in a few years”

A: Her hair is gorgeous. I love the blue in there.

The bizarre obsession with black hair anything continues.

Do these people have nothing better to worry about?

The only reason they’re doing this is that his racism has gotten him enough attention, that his house seat might be at risk if the Dems can put up a reasonable candidate.  So, they want him to resign early and appoint a more traditional racist GOP congressperson, who can easily win re-election.

The yearbook bragging isn’t important because of whether or not he had had sexual intercourse—as you say, it’s a trope/cliche of teenage males in our society to brag about the sex they’ve never experienced, no matter how implausible. Thus, the “girlfriend in Canada” jokes that remain evergreen.

He shouldn’t be celebrated as a Big Woke Ally or a lefty journalist because that shit isn’t real! If women want to put out there that “hey, this is how this dude treats relationship partners” - so that some women keep their distance, fine.

No, this behavior is an opportunity for a woman to say fuck you and walk away. I’m baffled that someone would put up with this shit in the first place. Perhaps standards should be raised...

Also, in case someone thinks I’m oversensitive or something, here’s a good quote from an expert in this issue from this Bustle article:

So I have a two daughters now (I’m a hetero woman) and it’s jarring to me how many excuses I have made for men in my past, that I would be devestated if my daughters made for men in their life as they get older. When I think of them going through some of these things, it makes me so physically angry and I always think

I thought the accusation against Keith Ellison involved domestic abuse as we currently understand and define it.

Also, the most severe abuse is more likely to happen to people of color/low income people like me. I honestly think that’s part of why it’s not been part of #metoo - so many relatively economically stable and white women leading. Something to think about.

I’m a survivor of child sexual abuse , a few assaults and spousal rape.

“he employed tactics of control and manipulation, including an unwillingness to have sex with her unless she wore a specific eye makeup. (“I would be forced to put that makeup on before anything happened between us,” she tells Jezebel.)“

I’m all for talking about these grey areas but I really hope #metoo leaders actually try and be strategic and target the most severe cases of sexual abuse first. Study after study will tell you that child sexual abuse from a caretaker, especially in cases where there was no one there for a child, is the most damaging

Not sure where your “facts” originate from. I cannot debate Dunbar HS because I did not attend that institution but I can debate about Harvard. Purdue & UNC-CH.