I love my husband but your description is so real that it scares me a little, like maybe I should ponder it further.
I love my husband but your description is so real that it scares me a little, like maybe I should ponder it further.
That’s not true; one of the allegations is that he masturbated in an office in front of one of the office workers at the company, repeatedly.
That doesn’t have much to do with the principle of the thing. People work for him, people have their jobs because of his opinion of their work. What steps has he taken to make sure these people know they will be protected against the same bad behavior?
He is repulsive; why would he be hired for anything?
It’s easy to think of something as being stupid all by itself.
I like how you play right into the Incel Narrative with your claim that women don’t think he’s hot enough to fuck. Please don’t hurt others by perpetuating that nonsense.
Of course we should discourage; the question is whether we should punish. Or in this case, equate what he did to people like Louis CK or others who did even worse things to criminally assault women.
But the whole point is, he didn’t have sex with her after she said no! He didn’t force her to do anything. His actions as described were consistent with the verbal requests she made. So it seems wrong to lump them into the same continuum on which we judge rape and rapists.
Where did he do that?
But it wasn’t a crime, and that’s a very meaningful difference. I feel that it reduces the seriousness of what people like Louis CK or Matt Lauer did if we equate it to the allegations about Ansari.
But that IS the issue. The original post makes the point that it is a problem to classify what Ansari did with other famous cases that involve criminal sexual assault, or things like Louis CK masturbating to women he had trapped in the room. Why is it okay to lump all of these together as bad behavior, when that…
OK, but what did he DO that leaves him deserving of being classed with people like Louis CK who allegedly blocked the door and forced women to watch him masturbate, or did it in front of his subordinate at work? Or all the other cases involving sexual assault? Where does this jump from bad behavior to criminal…
Only on Jezebel: this article is posted, unfairly excoriating John McCain, and a few hours later Rebecca Fishbein complains that Trump’s instagram thoughts on McCain were offensive. LOL, glad to see nothing has changed here. It makes me sick that on the occasion of McCain’s death, whatever you may think of his…
This just isn’t true; people want to speak at universities all the time but that doesn’t mean they are given an invitation or must be given one. The physics department doesn’t have to give a lectern and a mic to anyone with a wild theory about the universe. They get to pick only those who have the best speeches.
If anything it would go the other way - anyone trying to prevent the police union from exercising speech on this topic, or disciplining officers for it, would probably lose their court case. The union and its members can express their opinions, but within some limits that don’t seem in play here. If your question is,…
Can we talk for a moment about how Janelle Bynum has a Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering, an MBA from Michigan, runs four restaurants as a small business owner, and has four children? She won her seat because she campaigns on a positive message of funding education, supporting small business, and fairness for all…
Right, maybe it would be more effective if they came out in protest with the same volume against all the documented cases of police brutality and abuses, because those incidents are far more powerful in shaping the minds of the public. This guy is dreaming if he thinks, “Freshmen, they’re at the age where their…
The argument isn’t that they are part of government; it’s that their job is to fairly enforce the law, so when they come out with a formal demand for censorship, the effect is different than if a random assembly of people complains about a book. Even in the latter case, however, some better reason should be shown why…
I can’t see the thing quoted - I’m saying all of it is a problem. I don’t want to pick just one.
Wait, you can get a refund for buying a bad record? An overhyped bad record? Is there a statute of limitations on this?