
I saw that after I watched the video again- it also looks like he’s shoving his way into the center of the group so I think we can’t 100% tell who made contact first, at least with the group in general.

That was the one I was so excited to discover/kind of mad my grocery store doesn’t sell. 

Goya Sazón! And apparently it comes in all kinds of varieties which I didn’t know until today when I pulled up the website so I could copy the name with the accent.  

He pushed her first! this man is terrifying, I’m glad he’s been arrested and I sure hope he actually gets a punishment instead of some kind of slap on the wrist. 

The word “cheer” exists for a reason! Reporters are supposed to know they aren’t supposed to use the term “screech” to describe a sound a human makes because it is absolutely a negative term. 

But they do! Try being a morning person who wants to go to a concert. (and I don’t want you all in my morning, you’re too tired to drive and you make the lines long at the coffee shop. Where I am getting decaf.) 

Shouldn’t it be a bus?

“Found Before Cats Ate Her”

The King Canute reference was fun though...

At least it isn’t hanta virus season?

I HATE that this is now how I will forever remember the proper use of that word. 

I was just watching that ad and thinking “hm... useful...”

I can’t tell you how happy I am to have official Jolie Kerr Approval of my jelly-roll towel pre-drying method.

I can’t tell you how happy I am to have official Jolie Kerr Approval of my jelly-roll towel pre-drying method.

Can I use the yoga mat spray on the equipment? I like the idea of reusing the towel instead of having to throw things away. (I’ve been using the throw-away wipes at my gym and now I feel guilty about it. And the sprays sound nice.)

Can I use the yoga mat spray on the equipment? I like the idea of reusing the towel instead of having to throw

It was the one where the guy went in some poor persons house in Nepal (?) that really convinced me that there wasn’t much point.

There’s a two-fer here: right now is when the massive bottles of the nice booze are on sale so if you don’t buy it you can simultaneously a) not buy unnecessary things in January and b) not drink as much.

I’m a verifiable Morning Person; my most productive time is 7:30- 10:30 am*, and I hate those horrible people who talk about getting up before the sun and churning out bench presses or miles or whatever and then getting a shower before most people have woken up. Because I know how utterly miserable I feel at 10pm when

It is a g-damned honor to be the first to star that.

I miss the super squats...