I swear Jolie Kerr once recommended vodka soda to clean something...
I swear Jolie Kerr once recommended vodka soda to clean something...
We should do a classiness ranking of booze. That would be fun. (I should admit here that this is just because I love reading Deadspin comment fights.)
Don’t you want your drink to smell like Christmas?
It even has a cool name! Although I think “Gimlet” is technically cooler. And “Martini” ought to count as cooler, but has been ruined by overuse.
I want to thank the men-appreciating people of the internet for letting me know that I needed to see what this man looked like. I was just excited for a lawyer being fun in public!
I hadn’t seen this when it came out! And I really love the music the picked.
Yes. I too am a temperate-zone creature. My parents keep going on vacation to cold places. I do not understand. Does anyone else cough when they drink something seriously cold?
Ah memories- although I did love that sound.
And office I worked in once-upon-a-time had tons of old labels for a dot matrix printer we no longer had - I used to slice them into little rectangles and use those whenever I had to type things. Because yes, in the Year of our Lord 2008 you still pretty much had to do customs forms in typewriters.
Dammit - I really hoped they would do the obviously right thing here. He’s suffering and deserves support and love. This poor young man- my heart bleeds for him.
Garlic Naan!! I don’t know how objectively good it is I just know it’s addictive.
All I ask is that it be better than the Fischer Price record player I used through college.
I think it’s a salt lamp?
My love for the Disney Three Musketeers was roughly 50% Chris O’Donnell and 50% Michael Wincott.
They had a Naked Guy back in the ‘90s, there’s kind of a tradition of students in outfits that would be unusual elsewhere.
I love how many of these kids know how to pose! They look so great! (although I keep wanting to remind them to wear sunscreen - I’m so old.)
It’s a plan! I should email them too- they just tried to offer me one of those extra-points deals if I come in 5 days in a row and I think it’ll be especially useful to point out that I’m turning that down.
I’m so sorry you went through this - I’m heartbroken for you. And this wasn’t that long ago.
Sorry if this is a duplicate -
You were not born white, you became white. You actively remain white. You are estranged from yourself and, in that absence, have been instilled with an allegiance to a country that was never great. One that has continuously attempted to push nonwhites into nonexistence through crusades that have been defended by the…