
She looks exactly like every other IG “infuencer”. Pretty? Sure. But also super generic. I looked at these shots 10 seconds ago and wouldn’t recognize her if she was right next to me. Or if I saw another photo of her (since people rarely look in person like they do in these pictures).

Something about that Lena D post rubs me the wrong way. I want everyone to be happy in their own bodies and I’m glad she feels good where she is now. Comparing that to an old photo though, in which she explicitly gives weights....I dunno. I feel like it’s playing back into that shitty old trope of pitting women

‘I would always say, ‘Hey, watch your language, there’s a lady here,’

I would always say, ‘Hey, watch your language, there’s a lady here,’”

“I was always the gentleman. I would always say, ‘Hey, watch your language, there’s a lady here,’ and then I get accused of this.”

I always think of Empress Maude (AKA Matilda)

Damn, Aquaria is looking rough since winning Drag Race.

As soon as I saw “Maudernliving” I knew I loved her. People used to call my grandmother, “Maude” though her name was Dorothy. It’s a fab name! This girl is the bee’s knees.

God bless you. This post made me laugh out loud, and with the way this week has been (and EVERY FUCKING WEEK SINCE THAT SHIT STAIN TOOK OFFICE), it was a nice break.

As someone (male) who was molested from the age of ~10 to ~13, thank you for writing this. It’s next to impossible for children to know that what’s happening isn’t right, especially when it comes from an authority figure, and I’m very glad you didn’t shrug it off.

There was supposed to be a picture of Bea Arthur as Maude with this.

I was surprised to see just how extensive her resume already is! Here she details her significant work in advocacy, including leadership. She is going far

My grandma’s name was Maude! Happy to see there’s another one out there somewhere lol.

The best part is, the name means “mighty warrior.”

She does the name justice.

Fly away, pretty girl! Leave that pageant world behind!

There are quite a lot of Mauds in my country (without the e) and I’ve always loved that name! It’s quirky and classic at once.

The name Maude needs to make a comeback. I’ve always loved it.

A couple of things: