The “gin blossom” blotches are another tell
Yeah. Remember when we believed in fairies?
Came here to say that he looks like a spoiled toddler on the verge of a meltdown over goldfish crackers.
I am sure that Trump believed every word that he bellowed.
I could definitely see him as the “see what you made me do?!” type.
I do not know if there is a pattern but my father was abusive and the demeanor of Kavanaugh just reminds me so much of when my father got angry when we questioned his treatment of my mom or us.
Wonder how many times he’s pulled out his diary/calendar to prove his wife wrong.
I wish I was good at photoshop so I could put his head on Veruca Salt’s body.
This is a full on narcissistic meltdown.
... so there is Wi-Fi in the afterlife. SWEET.
Christ, what a rapey, weepy asshole.
The red-faced bellowing and outright threats of score settling certainly aren’t filling me with empathy.
If anyone needs help visualizing this guy as a belligerent and abusive drunk, an approximation is on basically every fucking channel right now.
That seems... incredibly cheap for something so iconic in the history of photography and hoaxes?
well, this was a nice little reprieve in the relentless parade of horribleness today. <3