
She voted for Trump, and the new show certainly highlighted that. I used to be (actual) Facebook friends with her and her views are batshit insane, if not traditionally conservative.

Then it’s odd that in the new show, they portrayed her as extremely shallow and dumb! Poor Beck(ies)!

This is heartbreaking, and I send you love.

My heart breaks for you. Love to you across the wires.

I have been majorly depressed in the past (ie, never leaving the house for great swaths of time), and my life is very happy now, and has been for years.

Not only that, but Mr. Rogers was also breaking major barriers by having a black actor in a prominent role, in an role in a professional capacity (that of a cop). He bathed his feet with a black man and then lovingly helped dry them, on national TV!

Would settle for that. Maybe your arm, too?

No doubt she wants to sell it, but wants to establish ownership first.

Honestly, I’d let the neighbor go. After all he’s been through, and he still has to be Rand Paul’s next door neighbor.

The ‘retard in a wheelchair’ parts made me literally gag.

I should amend that to say “Sara Gilbert’s character Leslie Winkel is on TBBT”, not “Darlene is on”.

I agree with everything you say, but I honestly don’t remember Becky ever being smart. She was always the dumb pretty blonde to Sara Gilbert’s acerbic brunette, it seemed.*

Roseanne’s character’s views changed between the two incarnations of the show, the same way Roseanne the person’s views did.

Dang it, I laughed and laughed!

I think she turned out to be drunk, racist, or otherwise unemployable too.

I haven’t kept up with the reruns, by my decades old impression is that Darlene was a malcontent who did well in school, and Becky barely squeaked by because she was dumb.

Better yet. I always identified with classic middle child Jan.

That was surprisingly less cheesy that I expected.

Not too long ago (my mother and her siblings), families of a dozen kids were not unusual. Even several of my cousins’ families approached that size. We had 6 kids and were thought of as a ‘small’ family.

I would watch this and watch this.