Ellen Marian Brayer

I saw the title and came here to say I totally would have gone to Yule Ball from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. But then I read what the writers said and changed my mind. It would definitely be It's a Wonderful Life. That is one of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite movies. I am an old soul, sue me.

Who is the lesser of two evils: Mona Lisa or Jean-Ralphio? Not in terms of contributing to the world of Parks and Rec because they are both amazing but not good people. Obviously Tammy II is the most antagonistic (yet awesome) of probably all the characters on the show.

If the actual series finale can be as good as this was, then I will let the fact this this was a series finale passing itself off as a season finale slide. I don't know if it would be possible to make another episode this good though, might be one of the best episodes of television and if it were in fact a series

Ben? Is that you? I guess you'll just never understand the charm of Li'l Sebastian.

Watched last night. Watched again this morning. Laughed even harder this morning than last night. Every scene with Andy basically had me on the floor. This was absolute gold. GOLD.

Has anyone commented yet on the fact that Ben's game likely became a big seller and solved all of the monetary woes that led to Ben's freakout in the last episode?

Aw, I'll be sad to see it go for sure but 7 seasons is a good run.

Also, I hate to be continuously commenting, but people are talking about season 7 as the last season. Is this confirmed or just speculation?

Andy saying "I'm on top of the world" while hoarding bikes and be oblivious to the situation had me laughing the hardest I have in a VERY long time at a tv show.

Not to mention a Lil' Sebastian callback, and the perfect solution to what would happen with Leslie's dream job and her dilemma with leaving Pawnee.

Damn if that wasn't the best episode of the series, IMO. We got Andy being clueless and reckless all at once, Nerdy Ben, sneak peak at the wonderful future, another name change for Jerry/Gary/Larry/Terry! and the return of Xena. Oh and a little Michelle Obama never hurt anyone. I think I laughed out loud more in this

Perhaps some Serbian rum, so strong that it is actually banned in Serbia?

Also, muffins are to Joe what the bright red t-shirt is to Ron.

Man, this was the second week in a row that Adam Scott absolutely killed his part. Last night's freak out by him was amazing.

Tonight's community hashtag: #savegreendale. My conspiracy theory: Dan Harmon and the cast have long known the fate of the show's sixth season but were forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement. However, knowing the fate of the show, they obviously could incorporate that knowledge to influence how the finale turns

Going way back to the 70s, Maude had one and it obviously was a hugely controversial thing for a tv show to do, especially back then.

I believe Leslie is supposed to be 2-3 years younger than Amy Poehler, putting her in her very late 30s.

The only other time in the series I can remember intoxicated Ben. That was also the only episode we ever saw Janet Snakehole, unfortunately.

We have seen so much of drunk Leslie, drunk Ann, and drunk Tom throughout the series, and trust me when I say that is not a complaint. After seeing tonight's episode, how is it they never capitalized much on drunk Ben before?!

Oh, of course. How could I forget that? I guess my dementia is creeping up on me as well.