Ellen Marian Brayer

Was this the first Leonard has appeared all season? Man that guy has some good internet culture one liners.

A Johnny Weir and Tara Lipinski dream team? JK that would NEVER happen.

Pull a stunt similar to NBC and make their super late night show host, Craig Ferguson, be his successor?

Junior prom/senior ball. Oh so fancy.


And perhaps a Cougar Town movie…

I bet some of them could find work in Bill Lawrence's other TBS show Ground Floor. He has a tendency to employ regulars, like his wife. and Bob Clandenin.

Thanks a bunch, Les! I have enjoyed reading your reviews all season. And I will do all crazy wino rituals I can to to try to gett at least the show to come back. It would be awesome if reviews came with it. I loved this episode, it was nailed for the position the show found itself. And god I love Ken Jenkins.

Just watched this episode for the first time in an obsessive and shameless ploy to try to watch the entire series in order by the time of the finale… in 5 days. I am dying to know: has the Ted-Robin-Barney love triangle been dealt with or are they waiting for the finale to tackle that dynamic?

The gut punch at the end really, really got to me, but it was so perfectly written. On a lighter note, I loved Laurie and Jules philosophizing at the beginning about computers realizing they are smarter than humans and taking over.

This week's Friends callback: Tacky infomercials for products that make you not spill something and then saying "There's gotta be a better way!" Never gets old though, so no complaints

I was never a huge fan of Armisen or Sudeikis. I liked them but I didn't love them. That said, I loved Bill Hader, Kristen Wiig and Andy Samberg. They were glorious and deserve big things.

Ben and Jerry are a match made in heaven. And I mean that in more ways than one.

I loved Leslie's Ben impression that she did of his surprise face. When I saw it at the beginning of the episode I thought it was 100% spot on and then it was replicated by him at the end. Perfect.

No, I heard Abed explicitly mention him at some point throughout the episode (can't remember the exact moment) in addition to the many non-verbal nods to him. They are doing a valiant effort to keep the show what it was without two of it's original main characters but I will never not be sad about the departure of my

Also, I loved that Abed actually acknowledged the existence of Troy, where so many shows that have lead characters that leave flat out deny that they ever existed.

A-, great heart but the jokes came up a bit short.

The Shining callback picture at the end I believe had one of the animal control guys from Parks and Rec in it. So many references. So Meta.

The Shining callback picture at the end I believe had one of the animal control guys from Parks and Rec in it. So many references. So Meta

The nearly identical comment just below this one was written by me as well, it just registered as guest for some reason…