Ellen Marian Brayer

The community grade way down at the bottom currently sits at an A after 24 ratings. In my time back when community grades were an official site thing (I miss those days) and through DigiFreak's noble efforts, I have never seen such a high grade. What a fantastic episode.

All the As ever.

Isn't this website run by The Onion? That satirical news site?

Hey do you remember that time Grayson also had a kid? Nope, me neither.

Julia Lipnitskaya is what Russia needs to bring the world to Russia's side, at least in terms of not trashing them day in and day day out. Stay tuned on that note. The Olympics are ridiculously jingoistic. But hey, I like who I like.

Gene Wilder's death is actually the one that comes to mind that I am certain I will cry for. And Betty White.

The equivalent to that is called synchronized skating. It's a thing, and its really awesome. There is a huge movement in the skating world to get it into the Olympics by 2018. If you think the figure skating they show in the olympics is dramatic and political, its nothing compared to this. Here is a video of the best

Now we just need him and Matt Leblanc to guest star on Cougar Town.

I thought series three was the best of the three. I loved it! At least my opinion is out there now. Hopefully I'm not the only who feels this way. I think each series has gotten better than the previous one. Hate it as you may, Genevieve clearly did. I agree with the preseason reviewer and give the whole season a B+

Well we got Stefon AND Amy Poehler AND Andy Samberg AND Fred Armisen as governor Paterson. Gold.

Amy Poehler was on SNL tonight and I squealed.

It looked awfully blue to be farmland.

Have they ever mentioned anything about Pawnee having a huge body of water not too far off?

Can we have (currently somewhat unemployed) Tina Fey make a cameo as a potential new best friend for Leslie Knope?

Tear jerk moment.

You skipped a step. French fries=chips in British English. Chips in American English=crisps in British English. Crispy french fries would not be good.

We can only hope. I wouldn't be a proper goodbye without Seth Meyers running offstage with him.

Sorry for this not being a grade but didn't I read way back when that community grades, the type that were built into the site, were supposed to be back by the end of 2013? LIES. Digifreak, I appreciate you doing this in the interim if it is in fact an interim and not permanent.

Something tells me the dean probably said it over the PA system many times back in S1. Or Vaughn.

A for me, especially given how difficult it can be to get goodbye episodes right.