Ellen Marian Brayer

When I read that "film," I literally thought they were talking about Ida.

I agree but hey, could be worse… could be Cougar Town. Terrible title that didn't match the premise of the show after the first ~10 eps.

I was wondering that too.

I can't remember if this list came out before or after "Leslie and Ron" aired but I would put that episode at the top of the list for me. Probably not the funniest half hour of the show but the best written and certainly the most touching.

So this is totally a slow moment of mine, but all this time, I had been pronouncing it in my head as TOO (like the word)-ken, which i thought was a nonsense word. It wasn't until a while after I read this that it even clicked with me that tooken could be a mind slip for taken, which just makes a hell of a lot more

I read somewhere that Tina Fey wanted the show to be called "Tooken" because it was something her daughter, who also came up with 30 Rock's famous "I want to go to there" line, came up with. This idea obviously didn't go over all that well with the *cough* kind folks at NBC so it became "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt."

The line that made me laugh the hardest this episode was "I get to choose which chapter to eliminate from the science books this year!"

Give me Amy Poehler or give me death!

"I'm against crime, and I'm not ashamed to admit it." But seriously, Garry's and Ron's segments had me in tears. Ron's was mostly because it brought back sentiments from "Leslie and Ron," which I regard as the show's finest episode. And Garry just because it was so sweet. And the emotions were already running high

To quote the ageless Blazing Saddles: "Qualifications?" "Rape, murder, arson, rape." "You said rape twice." "I like rape."

Not one mention of the ISIS sketch? Man that was one of the funniest skits I've seen here in a long time. Definitely the best of the night.

I didn't think about that until now but that is so cute! Perfectly viable and in character for Leslie to dream that big for everyone she loves.

Oh and I also audibly squealed when Ben announced Leslie was running for governor. It was so wonderful and the look on both their faces, I just couldn't handle it.

Also, so perfect that if there has to be one political cameo in the series finale, it's Joe Biden.

Sooooo many things! But first, I'll just say… This finale was perfect. As many others have also now said, it has vaulted it's way up to my favorite show of all time.

Hopefully he's there next week. Much like the end of season 6, which would have made a fantastic series finale, I would love to see a P&R greatest hits of characters of sorts next week, even though that is pretty much what this entire season has been.

The Johnny Karate Show or whatever was kind of silly but also had me in tears as it really it home with me that next week is the last week. *Goes into a corner and bawls eyes out*

Plot twist! Leslie and Ben divorce in the series finale citing irreconcilable differences. She, who so greatly loves her not actual birth city, moves to Washington and he, who stayed there because of Leslie, stays in Pawnee.

Oh, it was more that my mom didn't want me to watch Titanic and my dad didn't see a problem with exposing me to these movies at a young age so he did it when my mom wasn't around. To this day, I am still scarred by seeing the scene of her spider running down the stairs in the Exorcist.

That was me as well. Blazing Saddles was probably my first R-rated movie. I think I saw it before I saw Titanic (my mom didn't want me to see it, despite my fascination with the story), which was only PG-13. My dad thought it would be good to get an education in the classic horror genre (Psycho, The Birds, and The