
Bill Maher is problematic for a host of reasons, but I'm not going to say I think he's wrong about Islam. He's equally hard on Orthodox Judaism, Catholicism, and Evangelical Christianity in Religulous. Every one of them is a sexist institution that oppresses women and minorities. At best, they're ignorant, and at

Islam is not a race.

Today's Liberals are as hypocritical as any Conservative. Progressives are losing all credibility on the issue of tolerance and speech. When gay people are prevented from saying literally anything. Progressives yell about free speech. When a Muslim woman anywhere in the western world is criticized for wearing an

I'm no big fan of law enforcement, but she was an asshole on this tape, and we all know it. It made me embarrassed for her. Such a hostile caricature. She's doing people of color no great service.

Which is strange, because when men took their uniforms more seriously, there was some pretty flamboyant accessorising going on. Men today have no respect for tradition.

And there is a huge fucking point in singling out Islam - as much as your Christian fundies are making your life miserable, you cannot even begin to compare yourself to Saudi women. Or the women in Afganistan. Or the ones in IS territory.

I think it's particularly disingenuous on the part of otherwise rational people to constantly deflect and deny the role Islam actually plays in creating these cultures of violence, misogyny, and stupidity.

Oh man, it's almost like people can care about multiple things at once.

The WBC is genuinely made up of true believers. They believe in what they're doing (though that's only true of some of the kids until they reach legal age to leave). They're not trolls, they're fighting a holy crusade. They don't celebrate Christmas, because the Bible never idicates that it should be done. They

Serial monogamy and prostitution are the only choices. Everyone knows that. Even JLo.

Considering that twitter is blocked in Iran, one can only consider this to be lip service for the international community.

No, they are scaring away the MAJORITY of women who go for low cost health care which includes pre-natal care among many other things. And until you grow a womb, you have no massively fucking right (as you so eloquently put it) to even have an opinion. I'm sure you would not want me regulating your, uhm, private

Unfortunately Islam (the death cult) is still stuck in the 7 th century. But I'm sure Walid appreciates you standing up for them.

Taking wives from female captives is repeatedly sanctioned in the Quran.

Islam is so awful.

It's true. I grew in a Somali Muslim household (and with the exception of our TV and family photos) didn't have other pictures in the home (I kept my mags in my closet, alongside my sexuality) because of my mother's obsessive need to become more and more Muslim in a non-Muslim environment. Some folks take it a tad too

They're already doing it...

This is awesome, I'm going to apply to work at Starbuck's and then tell them my religion forbids me from serving people caffeinated products. And then I'm going to apply at McDonald's and tell them that I will not be serving anyone any beef products because I'm a Hindu and see how far that goes. And then I'm going

...none do? None at all?

Well, to be fair, Islam is a cancerous ideology founded by a child-raping terrorist.