
I worry about this too. So I make an effort to specify that whenever I mention something about birth control being beneficial for non-pregnancy reasons. It's similar to when people talk about someone who had an abortion and then add the justificational note that she had been raped or she was having complications with

Kim is not a genius businesswoman. She should have gotten a percentage of the gross not the net. Everyone knows this.

I didn't mention the sex tape and it's irrelevant. But you cannot convince me that dressing up and doing elaborate makeup in order to pose for selfies that are then posted on Instagram is work. Just like the Wall ST sociopaths who crashed the economy are not "job creators." You can say it over and over but it still

"Eventually we must all offer up our celebrity crushes to our significant other and stand there, naked and vulnerable, to be judged for them."

I'm in favor. I've worked as a bleeding heart in several different types of non-profit and state agencies. As a bleeding heart by nature, even I get incredibly pissed about the leeches who defraud the state (claim disability when they are not disabled) and who are perfectly willing to get high and keep procreating


Says the woman who sits where she sits because of feminists before her.

I can't get past 'Billy-Tom'.

I don't actually recall saying she was a nobody. I said I had no idea who she was and wasn't going to google her. Why do people in America assume the rest of the world is as uptight about race as you are? I don't care that she is black, her being black has no bearing on whether I would know about her or not.

"Women don't need to vote, they influence their husbands to vote in their best interests!"

Another thread in which liberals try to downplay the horrors of Islamic fundamentalism by speaking vaguely of the aftereffects of colonialism, as if absolves the lunatics of their guilt. #notallmuslims

Notice that, as always, the women are expected to do concrete tasks that will be noticed if they are not done. The men get away with lofty and elusive goals like "shaping minds", things they can easily claim credit for whether they do them or not, and no one will dare to gainsay them. It reminds me of my feeling about

Nope! Directors, producers, and execs have the real power. The writer is lucky if she or he is even allowed to visit the set.

You're actually wrong. She IS liberal and feminist, but she is not Catholic. She's catholic in a vague warm fuzzy way because she likes to think of herself as being a "spiritual person", but like most religious people, the actual contents of the religious script is largely irrelevant. They invent their own rules,

He has a major PR team, headed by former Fox News correspondent Greg Burke. Burke is a member of the conservative faction Opus Dei, and has been credited with developing much of Francis' PR strategy (which in my opinion focuses pretty much on saying one thing to appeal to reform-minded Catholics, and then doing the

This atheist thinks he has a good PR team. If he were a really good person, he wouldn't be a part of something that thinks gays are sinners and women are worthless.

The whole storyline makes me pretty angry, I don't think the relationship between Daya and Bennett should have been treated so, I don't know how to phrase it, but so romantically. Sex between gaurds and inmates is illegal for a good reason, the powerdynamic renders the prisoner helpless. The storyline with Mendez was

I want it now!

Um, no. She was reporting on an article advising female attorneys how to dress. A lot of men like to tell women how to dress. We don't like that.

Happy Father's Day, Mom!

This year I finally bought one of those mini souvenir Oscar statues that they sell all over Los Angeles. They're