Ellen Degenerate

Lena Marquise, the artist, had inserted a battery pack into herself and attached a power cord to it, allowing observers to charge their iPhones as a commentary on how we've become dependent on technology.

This gives me so many confused, scary feelings. I think I just discovered a new sexual orientation.

Respectfully disagree. She used her position to take a shot at an entertainer who allegedly raped at least twenty women and got away with it for decades. She used a joke to say what no one else was willing to say.

At what point does the nacho bukkake stop? Will nobody think of the children?

You guys, join me. This is way better than watching.

An oddly relevant tweet from Josh Groban.

Thank god Imdb has some helpful trivia for us.

Benestrange is now making me think of what would happen if he dated Bellatrix from Harry Potter.

I can't watch this with you all, west coast time zone. So I will embed tweets that make me giggle and pretend that I am with you.

My nephew, who will do anything to stay up past his 8:30 bedtime, just went to bed 11 minutes early rather than accept my offer of staying up an extra half hour to watch this with me.

We're all watching just to see something go tits up on live TV, right?

Suzi says Pee on the Third Day of your Period.


You know I've noticed something: people expect black people to forgive and forget every fucking thing. Her husband was murdered in cold blood. Is she really supposed to go "What he did was wrong, but God told me to forgive so I do." Fuck. That. Shit. Black people are the most forgiving group of people ever. We get

wow. You know if you are a white cop who killed a black guy Fox News isn't defending you, you are totally f*cked! (not sarcasm, totally 100% serious, that shit is crazy)

Medical examiner said cause of death was the throat being crushed.

My dog does foamy barfs that look suspiciously like that.

I have to disagree. As a black person who, for a time, could not pick up a single book without encountering some throw-away line disparaging black people or using the N-word—even in books that HAD no black characters or where the terms and comments had absolutely nothing to do with the plot—being forced to

No, this is just a dick thing to do.