Laura M. Browning

We're not all in the comments any more, so please email your questions to kinjaquestions@avclub.com, and we'll get answers for you!

We're on it! Instructions forthcoming in a couple weeks.

And we're up! Try again.

Lemme know if you have questions! kinjaquestions@avclub.com

Just sent this to our tech guy. Will let you know when it's fixed.

Oh, I know you're not. Thanks, dude.

Thanks, GaryX! We'll see you 'round the bend.

It can be ported over! We got you!

What questions do you have?

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Although we don't prevent them, Kinja does have a strict no-imposter rule. So if you report it, we will take care of them. Kinja support is so much better than Disqus support has been, so we can actually take action, and quickly.

Here's the thing to remember: we now own our commenting platform. That means we can actually make it better. So if it doesn't have everything you want right when we launch, it doesn't mean it never will.

The answer to that is a long one. The short version is that we have an excellent copy desk, who also fact-check, and we also don't have the resources for every single article on the site to go through them. If you want to chat more about any concerns, you're welcome to email me at lmbrowning -at- theonion -dot- com.

You'll be able to keep your same display name, but your user name will be different.

You'll be able to keep your same display name, but your user name will be different. We'll explain this all in more detail in a couple weeks, promise.

We've got you covered. It'll all be in the instructions in a couple weeks.


Okay! It's 3:41 p.m. and we need to wrap up. We've answered the most common questions in the Newswire above, so please go back and give that a read, especially because it seems that Disqus is deleting entire threads of comments. We will have specific instructions regarding comments in another week or two, so please

Gonna make sure we address this in the instructions coming in a couple weeks.

Ernie and eclaire have both been working on Kinja for a long time and understand how the existing communities work. We're listening to everybody's concerns so we can take those into account as we evolve Kinja. With Disqus, we were stuck with what we had, but we at least have the ability to build on Kinja as it exists