Laura M. Browning

You will keep both!

If you're talking about an AVC legacy account, you'll be fine.

As I've said elsewhere, it's going to be important to remember the "we own this commenting system" thing. Even if nothing changes before launch (and it won't), we have the ability and the resources to address things in the mid- and long-term.

I don't think so! We'll address this in the forthcoming instructions.

We got you. Stay tuned.

Ernie's been working on Kinja for a helluva long time and knows how its existing communities work. He (and all of us) are also taking notes and understanding your specific concerns. I think it's important to remember the whole "we own this commenting system" thing — when we switched to nu-Disqus and we lost comments

What would a site that cares what its readers think look like to you? Not being glib, genuinely asking.

As I've said elsewhere, our tech team is in the room with us right now, specifically so they can listen to everybody's concerns. It's not going to change how comments work when we launch, but it could change things in the long term. Thanks for being here.

By all means.

That's changing specific features, not changing the kind of coverage. We are a business and we're also a group of pop-culture obsessives who love to write about it. There's always going to be tension, and every single writer and editor on this site is fiercely committed to keeping the kinds of coverage you mention.

Nobody's told me nuthin. I delete and ban based on what I see in the back end. It's legit all I have time for.

Correct! In another week or two.

I get that, and it's a tradeoff we're making. I think in the mid- and long-term, we'll maintain a solid community of awesome commenters.

We're migrating over every single comment on our site.

We're not killing anything. Too busy answering comments.

We have no plans to change the kinds of criticism and coverage we do. That includes reviewing up to 65 TV shows a week, plus dozens of films and albums and games and podcasts, and other longform content.

If you get a Kinja account through our claim form—which we’ll have instructions about before launch—you will automatically be approved, and you won’t be in the grays. We don't want our community building to suffer, either.

We will have a solution for you! It will not be that doozy of a pickle.

I've been talking to our tech folks during this town hall, and I think it's actually going to be a simple solution that won't require extra work for you. We'll address it when we have that whole process up and running.

Yes, I've been talking it over with the tech folks during this town hall, and I think it's going to end up being a very simple solution. We'll address it when we have our comment claim form up in a couple weeks.