Laura M. Browning

Someday I will show everybody what the back end of Disqus looks like and what's required to keep Nazis and trolls out. It doesn't always result in perfectly fair practices, but it's the best we've got with the limited resources we've got. I can handle not being loved if I can keep the goddamn Nazis away.

How do you feel we haven't listened to you?

Thanks for sticking around. Hope we see you on Kinja, too.

If you were adding as many new tech people as we're getting with this migration, you wouldn't put scare quotes around it.

Come warm it up!


Keeping our commenting community robust and intact was one of our biggest priorities in this migration. We're porting over a decade's worth of comments; we've set up a process so you can keep your display name; and we've got our tech team in the room with us right now so they understand folks' concerns. Our commenters

One thing we've worked out is that everybody who goes through our Disqus -> Kinja claim form will automagically be out of the grays.

You won't lose your current Kinja account!

There will be significant differences and improvements on our busted interface, and we now have a much bigger tech team to help us.

We'll have instructions in a couple weeks!

Not as long as I'm here they won't. I spend a lot of time killing them now and minimizing trolls was one of my biggest concerns when we started working on the migration.

We'll have specific instructions in a couple weeks, and this is accounted for.

We will still have sections, like Film and TV Club and Gameological, and you'll still be able to find the ones you care about.

Yes, Kinja will be customized! And it will continue to become more customized over the next few months.

We'll address this when we have instructions available in another week or so.

You'll be automagically out of the grays as long as you follow the Disqus -> Kinja claim process. Instructions coming in a couple weeks.

We don't have that problem in the most part because of the work I do in the back end of Disqus, which is at times quite time-consuming. Kinja will help make it so that that stuff never even sees the light of day.

Think of it this way: Our Newswires and GJIs get a lot of drive-by traffic, and that helps our numbers overall. And that in turn helps us keep doing the longform content and criticism that we love to write and you love to read. That won't change on Kinja.

How do you feel we're dismissing you?