Laura M. Browning

It will function similarly to Deadspin/Kotaku/Whatever. The bit "but" here is that we own it, and we can change it. It's why some of our tech folks are in the room with us today, so they can understand people's concerns and address them in future iterations of Kinja.


We'll have specific instructions in a couple weeks, and we will answer all your questions. Hold tight.

You don't have to silence anybody. Everybody who follows the Disqus —> Kinja claim process (coming in a few weeks) will be automagically approved and out of the grays, which we think will help keep the current community intact.

We hear all of these concerns, and we're taking notes. Since we own it, we have the ability to improve it. Cool?

Dude, Ernie is great. Be nice.

Keeping our commenting community happy was one of our biggest concerns, and everybody in both editorial and tech has been working their asses off to make this the best experience it can be. It's a different system with different features and different limitations, and we're doing our level best to communicate those

I'm sitting in a room with two people from our tech team right now, and I promise you they are taking copious notes. We might not have everything everybody wants right at launch, but the benefit of owning the Kinja system is that we're able to build on it and make improvements.

Nope, we've accounted for all of this! Stay tuned.

Yes they will still link to accounts, and as long as you set up a Kinja account via our claim form (coming in a couple weeks), it will provide notifications of replies.

I'm talking this over with Ernie right now, and we'll account for all of this when we have instructions in a couple weeks. Thanks for bringing it up!


We'll account for this when we have Disqus —> Kinja instructions in another week or two!

If you get a Kinja account through our claim form—which we'll have instructions about before launch—you will automatically be approved, and you won't be in the grays.

This was my number one concern when we found out we were moving to Kinja, and I refused to budge until I felt completely confident that that problem was fixed. It was, and I do. As the primary comments moderator, I'm the one who bans the Nazis and rape apologists and their ilk, so this is something I was adamant


We'll have specific instructions on this in another week and a half or so. TL;DR: the account will transfer and all will be well in the world.

1. Not paginated like old-Disqus, but a "load more comments" button.

We'll have instructions for folks who already have Kinja accounts, so stay tuned in another week and a half or so.

We'll have specific instructions in another week and a half or so. It will answer all of your questions, so hold tight!