Laura M. Browning

One of the reasons we're excited to move from Disqus to Kinja is that we own the process now. Ernie and Kelly are both in the room with us right now and taking notes, so we're listening to all of your concerns.

We're all gonna be okay.


Upvote points won't be ported over. But c'mon, we're porting over a decade's worth of comments!

I'll just say that our tech team has been working their tails off on this, and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. It's also worth noting that because we have a much bigger tech support team now, we'll be able to evolve from what you see on launch date.

Wait until we have instructions! We'll have a process set up so that you can connect the two.

If you create a Disqus account prior to launch, we'll be able to get you a Kinja account with the same display name. You can always delete that Disqus account later.

Comments are now open! We'll start answering questions in the comments about 2 p.m. Central, and we'll add your FAQs to the bottom of the Newswire post. Please be respectful of each other and of us.

We'll open comments a little before 2 p.m. — otherwise we'll have no hope of getting reading the comments ahead of time to get questions. We'll also share a dedicated email address for any lingering questions we don't get to, or for folks who can't/don't want to be at the town hall this afternoon. We need a little

I was a little reductive about it, but it's something like only Catholics "can achieve full salvation." This was very difficult for our theology teachers to explain to the non-Catholics at my Catholic high school.

I wish there was something we could do about VPN users, but unfortunately that's all tightly controlled by Disqus and we don't have any way around it. You can try contacting them directly, but it's just a limitation we have to deal with for now.

Hey guys, it’s been a really fun and active comments thread today—thanks to Drudge for all the traffic!—but our check from George Soros just arrived, so we’re shutting it down.

The definition you're referencing is the historical one — not the one used today.

Read the book! I just finished the chapter on "irregardless," and it's really, really good.

What browser and version are you using?

If you're in touch with him, have him email comments.avclub@theonion.com with his Disqus user page and his IP address.

And the comment changes aren't across the entire site — just Newswires.

We could have been better about communicating it ahead of time, and we'll try to do so for future changes. (Sometimes the timing is out of our control.) And I'll let the tech folks know about the notifications and log in/log out problems — they're working to debug this as quickly as they can.


These kinds of changes are often much trickier than they would seem, but we're sharing these comments with our tech and design teams. Not promising anything, but we're not ignoring you, either.