Laura M. Browning

Commenters form one-half of 1 percent of our total readership, though you're among our most dedicated. Whenever we have conversations about changes to the site, we consider both the dedicated minority and the casual majority. For real.

Our tech team is working on this!

We don't have plans to do this across the site, just on some of the shorter content. We honestly have a lot of discussions about our dedicated readers—it's just always about finding a balance about what will work for y'all, for our casual readers, and also keep the lights on.

This article does not reflect The A.V. Club's values. We've edited the story and have an apology coming, but we can't do anything until the Amazon S3 server outage is resolved. We apologize to Coe and his family, and to our readers, who rightfully expect better of us.

There is one! It'll just take a few more minutes for it to show up.

I used to live down the street from them. I'd walk down there and they'd give me a free glass of prosecco while I waited. Still the best pizza in Chicago, as far as I'm concerned.

I'm watching this one episode at a time for a change, so I don't know yet! But seasons one and two were really very different from each other, so I'm not surprised that it's taking a different turn.

I loved that, too. Plus, everybody in the emergency room was really calm — almost as though they were actual ER professionals! — about all the half-dead people coming in.

Sorry, y'all, that was just sloppy copy-pasting on my part. It's been fixed.

Challenge accepted.

You really should read the books. I am already dreading the day The Bear shuffles off this mortal coil. I may need to take a day off.

I have come to accept that I am a terrible person who is too irresponsible to use libraries like a normal adult. I should probably make a donation to CPL since they're no longer receiving my hefty fines.

Hey Commentariat,
We're shutting this thread down because we're so sick of moderating it, and everybody has had their say by now.

You can do that for a $15 donation, I believe.

Definitely fighting spirit — it's one of the best things about her! But I still think it can get pretty dark. I love it.

It hasn't gone anywhere, don't worry — there'll be another one in another week or two, so stay tuned.

Oh god, The Limeliters. I know them well.

Ooops — our bad. Just fixed it. Thanks for the catch!

House style. We cap every word in a name, title, etc.