Laura M. Browning

The new site has to be live in order for the process to even work. But you'll have a full month to switch your accounts, and everybody who does that will be automatically pulled out of the grays.

We follow AP but with a lot of exceptions, including that one!

Privacy is also a big concern of mine, and I'll continue to work with our tech team on it. You can edit posts within a 15-minute window only. If you need to delete your profile — or if there are any issues at all regarding imposters, trolls, Nazis, anything — you can reach out to the Kinja support staff, which is

I appreciate you sticking around! Give it a go. We'll make it work.

No corporate-mandated spin, just me. I appreciate your being game to try out the new system. We're gonna make it work.

We're not just giving them a wishlist — I'm in near-constant contact with them, and they've been working for months to make the necessary changes so this move could happen. There's been an actual schedule for feature implementation, and everybody's stayed on schedule, which feels like a goddamn miracle but is really

Nope and nope.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

I doubt very much if clients care if there's a commenting community or there's not a commenting community. It's ours to manage and nurture and grow, and we intend to keep finding ways of doing just that.

Hey Golden Eel, according to the data, the commentariat forms a small percentage of overall traffic. So not a huge traffic driver — but you're also the most vocal, loyal, and dedicated readers, which is why we're communicating these changes ahead of time and trying to answer as many of these questions as we can. If

It does matter! We can't please everybody, and believe me when I say I am fully aware of how the commentariat at large feels about all of this. I also think everybody would be surprised at how often our commenting community is a consideration for us.

I'll say this about AVC content: Every single writer and editor is deeply, fiercely committed to keeping the "A.V. clubbiness" of this site. We are also a business and have to make business decisions — that's life. As the executive editor of this site, it's my job to make sure those two things aren't mutually

I'm so used to saying "automagically" that I can barely type "automatically" anymore. Old dad joke in my family that I cottoned to.

It's coming in another week or two, and we'll make sure it is exactly that prominently displayed.

Certainly wasn't being snarky, and I apologize if I came across as hostile.

I'm seeing lots of questions pop up here. I'm glad everybody is still so engaged, and of course you can keep discussing until the cows come home. If you have a question you want an answer to, please send it to kinjaquestions@avclub.com, as we're no longer actively reading all your comments here.

"Executive Editor" and "Editor" are both A.V. Club roles — it's just the way we've split the duties of running our site. VP of Editorial Content is part of the tech team, not editorial, so Kelly manages everything tech-related for all our sites, not just AVC.

Kinja has avatars!

You're on your own there.

We've got that covered, too.