Johns Off His Rocker

Kent Hrbek

I’ve taken an extra base like this several times in Little League and Legion baseball...also tried it a couple weeks ago with a girl I took home from the bar and she immediately kicked me out of my own house, nice girl though...

Apparently he bought his non-bespectacled son those shorts the same year he bought his flip phone...

He was pointing at the ‘sniper’ who got him...pretty common baseball/sports lingo when anyone falls down while running...surprised the Ranger’s announcers didn’t know that, they’re usually pretty spot on...

He’s just practicing for a potential field sobriety test in 2035 called ‘The La Russa’...

Have any of you been involved in a defamation lawsuit brought on by the subject of one of your posts?

I hope my keyboard will forgive me for the torrential downpour I just unleashed upon its innocent face...

Good way to show how pink eye can be contracted...

What a boob.

I expected a lot more...that was a bit boaring...

If you have been clear about your intentions and kind but non-committal, ending things can and should be simple.

Wish I had received a similar warning the last time my friend sent a link (warning: Coldplay video)

Can I get some TMZ-style arrows and dings so I can better follow the action? Please and thank you!

The topic of someone using racial/homosexual slurs and the reaction (or lack of) based on that person's race is very intriguing to me...all of which could be discussed using this clip...

This entire article made me cringe...only because I know I'm somewhat guilty of all of this...I'm so so so ashamed

This was fantastic...Caleb is still a great writer, in spite of the debacle at Grantland...

Bethune had 11, A&M definitely only had 10...

In '95 & '96 Cigar was the horse to beat. Men, women & children came from all over to see Cigar race time and time again. Race attendance records were broken, tv deals were spoken of. Then it was all over. Cigar just wasn't the horse he used to be. Attendance numbers dropped, outside interest in the races was

How far can you punt a football? Realistically and theoretically.

My 6yr old daughter has one...and she fucking loves it and uses it...so in my eyes, this is a wonderful product