Elle Carter Neal

Aw. Scotty's relief at seeing Cosima safe was palpable. The hitch in his voice when she hugged him. Beautiful work, Josh.

Yes, it's been very frustrating. Cosima and Charlotte should have left with Sarah.

No, you're not. I find her way over the top and I nearly FF'd through the "vlog" in massive irritation at how much of the show's limited time they were wasting on Krystal. I would far rather have MK back; at least she had useful hacking skills.

Oooh! Thanks!

I think Deep Throat is Frontenac (Rachel's PA).

He's not in a strong-enough position. There was a set of scenes a while back when Ira was told that Rachel killed Susan and then that Susan might have survived - and he was basically ordered by (I think it was) Sarah to go back to the island and work to take down Rachel.

Regarding brainwashing: I was wondering if there's something in the port (i.e., "koolaid"). He's shared a drink with Rachel, Cosima, and now Susan. When he poured Susan's drink he said something like, "This can either be a very short conversation, or a long/fruitful one." Susan seemed relunctant to drink it but then

Yes, that bothered me too.

I have to agree. I have loved this show so much, but I'm increasingly disappointed in the cheap and unnecessary shock tricks and muddled complications. How many layers of conspiracy have they introduced in the corporate overseers alone? I've lost count. I was so looking forward to this season; now I just want it to

TM+KA for the win!

There is a scene following Scott hitting on Cosima where he then notices Cosima hitting on Delphine and he goes, "Duh! Of course she is."

Nope, not true. Scott totally rocks. We love Scotty <3

Or it could be deliberate characterisation. Cosima and Shay have both been long-term lesbians, while Delphine was straight until she met Cosima. Cosima even told Delphine that it "showed" that she'd never been with a woman before.

No, it's just that her "name is mud". ;-)

Travelers (on Netflix).

Thank you :-)

I really thought Alison's plan was going to be dressing up as Helena and pretending to give herself up to draw the cops out of the garage, while the others dispose of the bodies. I was very surprised to see her rock up at Rachel's as herself.

Oh, so do we ;-) I just feel the cold regardless. I suspect, though, going back to the episode, that it might have been Mika's illness that was exascerbating her feeling the cold - she was rugged up under a blanket when Felix put her on webcam.

It does help, especially if the jeans are a little baggy and you're sitting down a lot - cold air draughts in the leg holes. You either want really long socks or boots underneath, or leggings or tights.

Yup. I live in Australia and I do that, because it's bloody freezing here in winter. I would probably wear three pairs of tights under my jeans if I was in Canada.