Elle Carter Neal

So, this is worth watching? I've just started with the pilot today and was underwhelmed. Should I stick it out? At what point does it become really good?

You'll find out soon. :-)

Thank you for the warning. This season is only just screening now in Aus. There's not much I love more than hitting AV Club straight after watching an episode (yes, six months after everyone has had their say and there are only crickets chirping in here), but, after several very confusing moments and a number of

I loved that. I was all, "Ooh, he's the new Dominic!", then Easton gave him a metallic third-eye and I remembered there aren't enough episodes left for a new Dominic. Plus Shaw never got her vengeance on original-Dominic. Bah, now I'm all depressed. Oh, but, wait - Elias is still alive… maybe Team Machine have been

Oh I missed that. Will have to rewatch. Not that I need much of an excuse ;-)

Oh! Thanks.

Seems a lot got cut in the episode I watched: we didn't get to see whether or not Fusco survived/was rescued, or anything. Damn Channel 9 :-(

What's QSO? Google search brings up "Queensland Symphony Orchestra" and I'm guessing that's not it :-D

Talking to Root? Or to Shaw?

Hmm, well, good excuse to re-watch the episode - I totally missed seeing Root as the ballerina! Hope it wasn't because the scene was cut here in Aus :-/ It's bad enough that we have to wait 5 months to watch it :-(

Thanks :-)

Not as late to the party as those of us in Australia, where we've had to wait an extra five months.

And FIVE more months for us here in Australia! *glares at Channel 9*

That's happened to me many times because I'm so bad with faces. I now have to try and figure out which actor the one I'm looking up most resembles because that's the actor I'm thinking of.

But they don't give us an option to pay to turn off ads! I would happily part with money rather than my precious time. Or I'll complete a written product survey, later, when I do have a spare moment - much more valuable to companies than making me angry because their ads are interrupting a show I'm trying to cram into

By the writers/producers who destroyed The Good Wife? No thanks.

She works in a morgue. Maybe she feels she doesn't need to bother too much.

And Sarah Manning from Orphan Black :-)

Yes. M.E. Zombie would have made so much more sense.

"Moore" not "More". And Moore is not an unusual name.