Elle Carter Neal

I'd forgotten about him, too.


It's Percival Westmoreland.

Or Benjamin. That's what he's there for.

I agree. I don't see why the writers thought it was a good idea to hide the identity of the shooter all this time. It would have been more effective if, when Duko is revealed to be Beth's union rep, the audience already know that he shot Delphine.

No, Sarah is currently extremely protective of Helena because she's pregnant. She told Alison to keep Helena safe. What I found perplexing was that S was okay with Sarah going alone. What does she have Benjamin on retainer for, other than for situations exactly like this?

At the very least S could have told Benjamin to go with Sarah as back-up.

That was sort of in-character for Sarah, but what made it incomprehensible was both the fact that she told S her plan to go it alone and that S accepted her decision without question. S of all people should know the value of good back-up. Hell, she could at least have sent Benjamin with Sarah!

Sarah should have let MK blow up Ferdinand when she had the chance.

Agree mostly, but James Frain was/is scary as hell.

I had totally forgotten about Cal.

I surprised myself by feeling worried about Ira ("Come, little brother." - Eeeepp!) and then surprised again at how relieved I felt that he was alive. Ira can stay :-)

I don't know about more clones. Susan seemed to indicate that they had not had success until they found the uniqueness of Kendall. But it doesn't necessarily need to be immortality, only longevity. Westmoreland might have a bot that helps to repair aging-related issues and possibly slows down his metabolism. That

I like your reasoning. I was trying to work out the same thing but I totally forgot about Cal.

*stocks up on tissue boxes*

Wait, what??!!!??!! No!!!!!

I hadn't realised how much I missed the old Rachel until the point that it seemed she was double-crossing Sarah. It made me smile. (Because Sarah can't win them all; that would be boring.) And then (to your point about hoping that Rachel had grown beyond being an evil villain) I was grinning like a nutter when Ira

I was wondering the same thing, along with, How did she get there so quickly?

If Delphine had planned to fake her own death, she would surely have had it done a bit more publically / arranged for witnesses, otherwise what would be the point?

Ditch John. Bring in Root. :-)