Elle Carter Neal


I'd rather have Shay back as the innocent-civilian-who-stumbles-into-clone-club person than it be Adele. The new recruit for each season thing feels cliched.

Mmm, I think "violent and unstable" could also be applied to both Alison and S at various times. I think Helena would do just fine with kids. It's grown-ups who need to watch out.

Read Catch-22 ;-)

"- Please let something nice happen to Scott he is so sweet and deserves nice things
- Please let something nice happen to Art he is so loyal and deserves nice things"

The timeline of the show is really quite short. It's only been about three or four months, at the most, since Sarah saw Beth jump in front of the train.

And she wasn't gay to begin with.

What I didn't like about the Delphine disappearance storyline is that it inadvertently gave Delphine soulmate status in Cosima's mind. Cosima was doing just fine moving on from Delphine while Delphine was alive.

As long as the minority-representing character is not Refrigerated. Delphine was not Refrigerated, because she was a full character in her own right, not just used as a motivation for Cosima.

Kevin was quietly brilliant in that scene. When Art called Duko "Martin", I felt chills - it was personal; he was naming a dead man.

I was thinking it seemed like a metaphor for Susan's downfall - Susan being the creator of Leda: their god is dead.

Yup, what multigriffen said. What Duko knows about S is that she was not able to prevent her own mother being kidnapped and killed. She's clearly nothing to worry about, as far as he's concerned. As for Sarah, well, he managed to deal with Beth easily enough; Cosima just crumpled in a heap and wept when he shot

I'm glad he did. I had no idea what he was saying. HellWizard's reaction was all I had to go on.

Yeah, I hope that's the explanation. Maybe Scott insists there's a proper way to clean up blood without leaving a trace and without damaging the merchandise and he wouldn't let anyone else do it.


That was my thought, too. Shay has military experience; I think she's savvy enough to hide Delphine. Otherwise what was the point of Delphine giving her Cosima's clone code number at the end of last season and giving her clearance to ask Cosima for more information? It seems like such a dropped thread if it doesn't

If Tatiana gets pregnant in real life, the writers would have the hilarious job of working out how nine clones are all pregnant at the same time when only two of them can supposedly conceive. ;-)

"I was knee-capped by a mad woman with frizzy blonde hair and red eyeliner."

Me too.

It's a very common name.