Elle Carter Neal

It felt to me that Angie was meant to become the Maddie character - the partner who was bought by Neolution and who would be holding a gun to Art's head when they wanted her to find Helena. Perhaps Inga Cadranel was unavailable due to other work commitments and they had to invent a new character.

Upvoted for your username :-D

Yup, the "Play-within-a-play" trope has been done since Shakespeare's days (see: Hamlet).

1. Maia was given second chair as a ploy to force the judge they didn't want presiding to step down due to a conflict of interest (he lost money thanks to Maia's parents).

Seriously, though, maybe it does have something to do with this in that it might have been Kathryn Alexandre who was unavailable for some reason.

I was holding my breath the entire time Scott and HW were inside Dyad. Eeeep!

I thought Cynthia did well as Rachel hiding her nerves with the nail picking thing. I would have loved to have seen her do Helena (especially since this is Helena at the beginning, before she goes really wild). Rather disappointed she didn't get the chance.

Chibnall is a hack. It's amazing what you can do with a healthy production budget, a cast of mostly-phenomenally-talented actors, and some choice banter and repartee.

Me too. I managed one and a half episodes.


She calls her "Mum" (not "Mom"), and only when they've made up after a big argument.

Mmm, did you see the episode where Ferdinand stomped on MK's chest? Because that wasn't a long time ago, and that was definitely senseless brutality.

The actress who plays Alison had to cut her hair for a role on another show, so they just wrote it into this show and brushed it off. If it had any real purpose to this show Felix would definitely have had a whole running gag about it. (That's also the reason the Alison character went off on a "yoga retreat".)

That's right. The previous actress had a lot of red around her eyes. This one doesn't.

Angiiiieee! (Having finally mastered the art of following Art around without being noticed, worked out for herself what is going on, and realising that someone has to tail that strange new partner of his… )

So is Delphine going to reach Mrs S. 14% faster than is possible in order to give her the Magical Gunshot-Wound Cure(TM)?

Not giving anything away, but there's even a #NotAllMen line in a later ep - delivered straightfaced in all seriousness. It's terrible.

Season 3 is just as bad as Season 2. RIP Broadchurch.

Yup, you should have stopped at Season 1. We all should have.

What about Midsomer? I think they must be coming up to their one millionth murder fairly soon…