Elle Carter Neal

The comments in this community are worth staying up to read :-)

Oh, they so totally should have done that! Jordan would have been far better at playing the Adele character than Lauren Hammersley - I don't know if it's the role or if she's not very good, but I'm not enjoying her at all.

Right? I thought for sure Adele was going to suggest she and Kira "go for a little walk while the grown-ups talk". Cue black van.

Delphine found Krystal when she went to check on "Rachel" and noticed Krystal's manicure (which she recognised from having her own nails done by Krystal when she was trying to find out what Krystal knew about Castor). We didn't see Delphine get Krystal out of there, but it was implied - IIRC it cuts to Delphine

He should at least have black-bagged her like they did with Ferdinand, so she wouldn't know where the safe house is.

And: There's an opening right now for a massage, which will be with… myself, uh, Ronnie.

Nooooooooo!!!!!!! Cosima is amazingly multi-dimensional. A scientist with emotions? Hell yeah.

Cosima will be tempted by a deal with that devil, too - in order to find a cure for her illness. So it might split Alison-Donnie-Cosima vs Sarah-MK-Krystal? Helena?

"drug taking/policing skills, hippie/molecular biology skills,
crafting/soccer mom skills, assassin/eating skills, punk rock/scowling
skills, hair styling/boxing skills "

I think your last sentence is it: the point is to cure infertility, hence Brightborn, a clinic for infertile, etc., couples to have their own, perfect babies.

I know, right? Up until that point I was getting interested in Susan as an antagonist with valid motives, and also Evie - her backstory was very enlightening: a "bubble baby" who was cured by science and went on to become a brilliant bio-engineer who wants to fix every flaw… of course!

What Abby said, plus Beth's corpse did not have the facial scars.

I hope they're using protection, otherwise the red-eye flight they took to Toronto is going to be literal in Susan's case.

Yes on all counts. I think Kathryn Alexandre has the hardest job in TV at the moment, because she really gets nothing to show for all her work.

It's an interesting theory, but I think that would have been too hard for Sarah in her current stressed out state of mind. Plus there's the fact that Kira warmed to Adele so quickly. Kid seems to have a sixth sense about these things.

My annoyance with Adele is that she's taking up valuable screen time. More (good!) Scott would be nice. More S. More MK. More Beth. More Art.

I think he does love Cos. Have you seen the way he looks at her?

It might have been less iffy with more episodes to work with.

The writers only have 10 episodes to work with (and IMO they've wasted a whole lot of time on the Adele storyline, and I was glad they used Felix in a plot thread that didn't involve her or arguing with Sarah), so they had to FFwd to a point where Susan could reveal herself to Cosima, scientist to scientist. Otherwise

And they were expecting Sarah Manning, not Cosima. Alison's mum didn't think Cosima looked even remotely like she could be a clone of Alison.