Elle Carter Neal

Nobody listens to Alison.

Oh, thanks, I was wondering about Adele's accent as I have never heard an American accent like hers before (but then I'm certainly no expert on US/NA accents, being from Australia). Is it the fault of the actress, do you think?

Sarah pretending to be Rachel pretending to interrogate Alison pretending to be Sarah. Blew. my. mind. Not to mention the fact that Alison is not quite as convincing an actor as Sarah is :-D

Yes, that's true - if only they had, say, 15 episodes per season to really give the characters, and plot, a bit more space to breathe. I found myself missing Beth lately, too. Five more episodes would've been ideal.

Was I the only one hoping Lucca's "You're in love with Alicia" speech was going to be turned around on her with Jason saying to Lucca, "No…you're the one falling for Alicia."??

Where's Castro? I'm missing me some September.

It's good to know I have something to look forward to watching.

Oh, I don't know - I would have agreed with you in Season 2, but I'm finding Rachel increasingly fascinating, especially now with the brain injury: the little hesitations and stutters, the lip tremors, presenting her handicap as she does her physical therapy exercises… and the collusion with Charlotte to get messages

I wonder if the show will explain how Susan Duncan went from playful,
happy mum-of-the-year in the home movie Sarah watched when she broke
into Rachel's apartment to this ice queen. It's weird.

The actress who plays Helena is brilliant.

I haven't seen "Hits the Fan". I started watching half-way through Season 5, and picked it up easily - loved the show until the mess that everyone else is also complaining about. One day when I'm bored I'll go back and watch from S1. But S5 seems as good a place as any to start if you're not sure whether you'll like

This is just an observation, but it might be a bit spoilery, so I'll leave a gap:

Here is how I'd like to see this farce of a show wrap it all up:

Just watch Season 5. Maybe the seasons before that if it grabs you.

I just wish Jason had gone the way of Robyn and all the other missing characters, or at least turned out to be a sort-of-interesting psychopath. He bores me to no end.

No spoilers please :-)

Yes, so it seems. (Meanwhile I needed Cosima to lampshade it for me three seasons later. :facepalm )

Prolethean =/= Neolution. Nobody in Clone Club knew about the Proletheans until Helena showed up, and Helena followed Katja from Europe. The cop union rep was working for Neolution.

…through a hole in his trachea.

The knife was Helena's; Sarah-as-Beth ended up with it after the first scuffle with Helena. Sarah then happened to look through the case file on Maggie Chen and noticed Chen had the knife's symbol branded on the back of her neck, and Sarah then connected Chen with Helena for the first time. As far as Beth knew, Chen