Elle Carter Neal

Beth was needy and desperate. Sarah was fierce and confident, even when backed into a corner.

And then she would have added more sugar, too.

Hmm, it seems like she's high up in Neolution, or perhaps even the boss. Leakie says to her, "One of my subjects just exhumed one of yours." The body was a Neolutionist. Unless Topside are using Neolution as another big field experiment.

Oh, interesting. I wonder what that's about. My connection is so bad I mostly get just pixels and soundtrack, so I can't tell at all. :-(

I was convinced the sheep mask was a call back to Helena calling all the clones "sheep", but now I realise that was also probably in reference to Dolly (as Cosima so cutely put it).

I will be a blithering mess and will never recover if Scott turns out to be evil.

Magic-Kira telling Sarah (and S and Kendall) that "they are coming" gave me chills (after S is all "relax, Sarah, we've covered our tracks; they can't possibly know where we are"). In any other show that would be such a trope; here, chills. Skyler is that good.

Maggie was a lab assistant to the Duncans, I think, and then found religion and defected to the Proletheans, becoming Helena's handler. Helena said Maggie's job was to flush out the clones so that Helena could kill them. I think that's what Maggie was doing that night - following Beth to put her next on Helena's kill

My introduction to the show was Season 2 Ep 9 - cold; I knew nothing about it. Ten minutes in I stopped it because I was lost, and I googled the show. Then my jaw dropped when I noticed via the cast list that five of the "unique" characters I'd been watching were played by the same actor, and I hadn't even realised

I would really like to see that. The make-up department is surely up to it, and it would be fascinating.

I don't think they need to be distinct. They're clones. Some of them are going to be more similar than others. Tatiana has already proven she can do vastly different characters; now she's proving she can do subtly similar characters. It also explains how Sarah pulled off being Beth.

Yes, I definitely saw Alison in her last week - when she climbed up on a ladder to instal the camera behind the painting, it was such an Alison way of moving (no-nonsense, organised, precise), but rather than thinking "Oh, Tat is slipping up and mixing her clones", I found it brilliant, a hint that though these are

I think I'd rather see a Felix-Rachel scene or two - that combo really seems to amp up Jordan Gavaris's acting over and above the usual Tat-Jordan magic. I think it's the hate element that he throws in for Rachel, on top of the mixed feelings.

I quite enjoyed the unexpected Scott-Kendall pairing. "Your poker face is shite."

Did Cosima really say to S, "Oh, don't call me chicken. I love that." ??

Waaah! Why do I not live in New York?!

You could probably skip S3 for now (unless and maybe until things in 4 start to get confusing because it's pulling in threads from 3). But, as mentioned below, Ep 6 is a really good one, as is Ep 8 - you might want to watch those two for the goodness (and to meet Krystal). Then you might also want to watch the end of

Yep, that is rather a good ep.

Complete fluke, but I was lucky enough to catch the first 5 episodes of season 1 on repeat just a couple of days before this ep aired. It definitely helped; definitely worth a rewatch of at least part of season 1 and this episode again if you can.

She's definitely a team player.