
I supported Bernie, and then begrudgingly voted for Hillary once she won the primaries. I know random democrats who voted for Bernie exclusively, or ‘protest-voted’, where they either voted for a random 3rd party in the Presidential Election or straight up didn’t vote at all.

I don’t have any issues with the

I love that deflection so, so much. “WELL....THEY’RE ALL CORRUPT, SO THERE!”

Haaaaahahahahahaaaaahahahaaa, ahh, ridiculous.

The beginning of Up is incredibly painful to watch.

I’ve never seen another movie where I spend the first 10 minutes bawling. Cute movie, but good-goddamn that beginning is rough.

I haven’t watched that, but judging how much I cry at Pixar films (and even commercials now, what the hell??), and screencaps I just saw, that movie will definitely make me cry.

It’ll probably make my boyfriend cry too. We’ll do what we do now whenever we watch anything moving in cinema, we will cry together. O_O

Hahaha, that scene makes me cry :’x

The “1001 Arabian Nights” was compiled from folktales all over Western, Eastern, Central and South Asia, and ‘Aladdin’s Wonderful Lamp’ was actually added by an 18th century french translator based on a story he heard in Greece, and in that story Aladdin takes place in China, so there’s some debate as to exactly

My boyfriend uses his because his wrists and hands hurt after working on a computer all day. He’s an artist, so he’s especially aware of the perils of losing limb mobility.

I hate the goddamn things, but to each their own.

*hat tip*

Whenever I think about the geography of So Cal as it relates to its freeways, I’m immediately reminded of that SNL skit, “The Californians”.

That skit is real. O_O

Mmmmm, Volvos <3

No Bimmer-Addicts? That’s disappointing.

The Valley is East of Griffith Park? Naaaaaw.

The ‘Valley’ comprises everything west of the 170N, just west of North Hollywood. Everything westward of North Hollywood, ringed by the 101 and 118 freeways, headed towards Calabasas is “The Valley”.

:D :D :D :D !

I love these so much more than most of the Cosplay I see nowadays. Well done, Sri Lanka!

La Tuna Canyon isn’t in the Valley, and you mean Los Angeles County. Both areas are in Los Angeles County, so that’s true.

Huh. La Tuna Canyon isn’t what I would consider “Los Angeles”, but that whole area is pretty dense and small, so I guess it makes sense to lump it all together.
A lot of people I know who work in LA but live North of there are evacuating/bitching. I used to live in Santa Clarita, which regularly dries

The Station Fire back in 2009 was something like 160,557 acres, how is that not the largest fire in Los Angeles County history?

But....isn’t that why people use it for their hair? To remove buildup? How is its intended use not a benefit?

I love taking these people out for Indian food.


No lying, I paused at #9 to comment because that shit legitly offends me, and pretty much everyone I know.
I get that some people have different interests, but putting people who are dorky or have nonmainstream hobbies in the same list with snitches, sexual harassers, sabotagers, racists, and idiots is ridiculous.

I love you.