
That little girl in the backseat, the girlfriend in the front seat....Fuck. He probably fell onto her when he was shot. Bleeding to death...and there were several shots fired. She knew he was dead, and she was still expected to stand there and quietly comply.

This is so terrible. I knew it was terrible and then I

The Mormon Church didn’t officially accept Black People as even being fully human until the 70's.
Their skin color was indicative of their supposedly ‘wicked nature’, was regarded as a ‘Mark of Cain’, and meant that they were destined to be servants of servants, so basically slaves.
I’m not surprised the church has

Stand up for what you believe in and who you are.

No one has the right to judge you for who you love, true, but never talking about it or standing up for it because of fear of judgement is incredibly shitty advice, and actively hampers societal evolution.

I’m sure you mean well, but really take a look at the advice you

Oh my fucking god, this is terrible. That poor kid, that poor family.
They could have just stolen his stuff, but noo, they had to kill him.

Small note: McDonnell Douglas merged with Boeing in the late 90's.

I agree with you completely. It’s disgusting just how much of our Military budget goes straight to these people’s pockets.

Bill Maher is a disgusting piece of shit.

That fucker better do some jail time/court-mandated probation and therapy. He took clothing off of an underage student.

FUUUUUUUUCK, just watching this scares the shit out of me!!!

The last place I lived at was a home I shared with a few friends, in a very affluent suburb. The home was owned by a friend’s parents, and we all rented rooms in the house.

The last Halloween party we threw got a little wild, went really late, and the cops were called. They came to the door, the music was turned down,

They better get, not just sued, but sued.

They didn’t even try to hide that they stole the designs. Are they that stupid, or that narcissistic?

Yea, quotation marks are lame! Apostrophes forever!!!

Looking at this, I can’t help but think he primarily did this for publicity.

He can say something passively that’s stupid and racist, people will admonish him, he’ll apologize, and then a couple months later he’ll have a ratings boost as his press redemption arc completes.

For him, the best case scenario is that he

I’m sorry, what?

You want people to stay home and not fight for one another’s causes?

 Are you a bigot?

You’re saying that this settlement is absurd because she was a prostitute?

The issue here is that the Police Officers willingly engaged in, not only the cover-up of an active underage prostitute, but also the act of purchasing sex from this underage prostitute.

Yours and your wife’s feelings on this settlement don’t

Man, I remember when Mushrooms used to fuck me up less than Acid. That was great.

It took one terrible, mind-shredding, fucked up on a fucking 1/3 ounce of shrooms while at Disneyland for all that shit to end. My last two shroom trips after that were fucking terrible. I can’t stand the nausea anymore, either. It used

Thank god for cameraphones. Now these worthless pieces of shit are being exposed for how stupid they are.

Hopefully she realizes something is actually wrong with her, once she sees the reaction to her rant.

Probably not, though. :(

That’s what I thought! I view Corona as being ‘whiter’ than Modelo, since Corona is basically yellow water that goes well with lime.

Holy shit I just noticed that XD

I love the second gif so, so much.

You can see the slight tug on their hands as Trump tries, and fails, to pull Trudeau’s hand into his chest, like he kept doing with other foreign dignitaries.

It’s flippin’ great.