
Of course they serve a purpose. You....you don’t think this is satire, do you?

Seriously. Articles like this are a HUGE part of the problem.

Oh, but, like, it doesn’t matter, because, like,we all, like, hate Trump, and it’s jsut, you know, like, in the interest of humor, even though, like, it’s not funny at all because, you know, like, most great humor contains a grain of truth in it, but like,

I hate Trump as much as the next person who violently hates Trump and everyone that supports him, but this is ridiculous. The two quotes are not at all similar enough to say he was plagiarizing Bane.
Seriously, cut shit like this out. All it does is give Trump supporters more fuel that the media is ‘lying about

The look on that cat’s face: “Oh, hey! Don’t mind me, just fueling the next generation of kettees!”

The roasts of Ann are so, so good. I know why she’s there, and it’s just so those jokes can be made XD

I like you, Doc! I like you, I like your headlines, and I think you’re a swell writer! Stick around, old chap! We can always use a Doc on the squad! ^_^

Cruz’s Mom is the best. Her face during that whole thing with Cruz was the absolute best.

The last time I flew I was sitting between a lady who was obese, and another lady who was *morbidly* obese. The obese woman was large, and her thighs skirted the edges of my seat, going over the gap between the armrest, which I’ve experienced from sitting next to obese people on flights before, so I dealt with it.

It sounds stupid now, but I never actually considered how big his cawck must have been.
Dude. Just..fuck. Dude. @_@

What happened to the Indigenous Cultures of North America is unforgivably terrible, especially because of how those cultures never recovered. Native American ‘reservations’ in the US exist without proper medical care, proper education, proper utilities, infrastructure, economic growth, etc.
And no one cares, because

You said this earlier,: “I know this, because I’m also white and run into idiots like you far more than I’d like.”

You better be jewish, or you just appropriated part of my culture for your own benefit, without asking permission.

I was pretty shocked they didn’t go with an Egyptian skin for her; a Cleo skin would be rad as fuck!

Holy fuck, a Quetzalcoatl skin for Reaper...FUUUUUUUU-

I wish I could star this a thousand times XD

This is stupid. Link’s not female because Link is a dude.

You understand the words “angles”, and “sunlight”, correct?

“Eyes squinty like an asian person”.

Take a moment and reflect on what you wrote.