Elle Pas

I 100% agree with all you’ve said. I’m CONVINCED they had an open relationship. She just wanted a (black) baby.

Cardi B is just forgetting Roosevelt sent people to internment camps with makes him worse than Trump.

Yup and if you want to pretend shapewear and ripped up Matrix sweaters make you an amazing designer that’s your awesome new idea.

Right?! Hm, a man left a pregnant woman for you...what will he do next? Smh

To some extent, yes. Okay, to a large extent.

Excellence in casting, I guess.

The more I learn about the actors in Mad Men, the more I’m convinced that everyone was pretty much just cast as an extreme version of themselves.

I’m shocked, shocked that an actor could be a sadistic prick.

Wypipo: mischievous tampering

Maybe it’s dependent on where you lived? Granted, they are much easier to find now but I absolutely had skinny jeans in the 90s.

I never understood these. Give me skinny jeans or give me death.

you realise you’re echoing the words of the abusers don’t you? All those times predators like Weinstein have told their victims that THEY are the route to success and that the victims could never achieve anything on their own. Every abuse victim has heard it at some time to convince them they will lose everything they

THEY’RE damn it, not their. UGH!

I always thought Alexa was pretty - but she seemed to suffer with depression and low self esteem. Christie is still hotter than I’ll ever be, vanilla or not:

She is really beautiful (sorry just realizing now). How could she even bare the sight of him??? I know a lot of people could sleep with someone because of money... but Harvey is a super hard pass - no amount of money could do it for me. Not enough vodka cranberries... not enough liquid G.

I don’t disagree with you, but it is really hard to listen to veterinary advice from someone who refers to dogs and cats as having arms.

I really cannot stand to see obese animals. They have to suffer so much pain on a daily basis.

As long as you’re completely ignoring weather everywhere else in the world and the growing trend of record high temperatures increasing in recent years, then yes, spot-on.

And then think about the homeless and rough sleepers, who are probably dead in some of this.