Elle Pas

I have panic attacks when I have to go to Wal-Mart... full on, hyperventilating panic attacks. Doesn’t matter if I go at the busiest time or at 2 am, the second I pull into their parking lot I can’t breath. Something about the store just sets me off. I was finally able to move my prescriptions out of Wal-Mart though

Kanye has had some spectacular rants and we still cool with him.

There is absolutely nothing mentally wrong with Tyrese. He had a freakin tantrum, behaved like child who could not get his way.

“After first hearing about the mascot of Phoenix, I was practicing some cheers for the upcoming school year with a couple of my neighbors just for fun. We cheered, “Go Phoenixes!” However, it didn’t sound right to us, so we looked online to makes sure that we were saying the pluralized word of Phoenix correctly. We

We support this idea:

Split the difference, adopt the Penix as a mascot:

Why is being “liberal” a good thing? Liberals bomb the shit out of sovereign countries too.

That photo looks like the cover from first issue of “Obvious Rapists” quarterly.

I hope you’re not taking this opportunity to mock the beliefs of the 26 parishioners who had every right to observe their personal faith in peace without a fucking crazy gun-nut murdering them.

They can start with whether or not the 17-month-old would be going to heaven (spoiler: he’s not, none of us are actually).

In her defense, I do go out of my way to be unlikable quite frequently.

I think you read that part a little fast.

This is so powerful and relatable. I think a lot of us have treated bad things that have happened to us as a joke because we were not ready to face the truth of it. We think that if we don’t go there, if we make it a story we tell with a grin, that this means we’re okay, not traumatized, not victims.

What region of the country do you live in, because if she’s average I’m moving there.

Here you go again.

I don’t want to be a “that guy” or anything, but your last sentence is dripping with bitter irony.

And then Darryl Hannah stomped on his head while watching the last of Tarentino’s career burn to the ground.

Anthony Bourdain put him on blast today. Uses the word “complicit”. He’s dating Asia Argento, another Harvey victim.

If her meltdown happened on his show after he loaded her up with blow, then yeah, that’s a pretty shitty thing to do. However, offering to share some coke with you (provided you are of age) just seems like something a good host would do.

I’m not going to watch the video because I just don’t care enough, but why is he supposed to be a scumbag? According to this post, he offered to share. Cocaine is expensive, sounds like he was just being a good host to me.