Elle Pas

Definitely Bustelo

I actually kind of pitied her... until seeing this clip🤤

It's Air India, of course.

I still can’t believe this despicable cow is a woman. This angers me beyond belief! I’ve experienced similar treatment and been accused of seeking narcotics, which is why I won’t go to an ER/urgent care any longer.

Classy people. I don’t know why I expected to see anything less.

She wasn’t flying the damn plane. Geez.

Will Smith’s out of his mind, but it most likely has nothing to do with being in the business as a teenager.

Wow, those are serious accusations. One man acquitted, and the other was never charged with any type of crime against anyone.

I wouldn’t support Starbucks, or any chain coffee shop, with or without this publicized racial bias incident. I just hope the black owned coffee shop lets me use their wifi without making a purchase.

What she needs is a good ass kicking.

Oh, but they did. I wore skinny jeans on a daily basis in the 90's. You just had to know where to shop.

“Exited stage left?” Was it suicide?

Unbelievable. Seems to be an attempt to get attention.

Good point, but Amazon is just horrendous! Amazon is like a Wal-Mart, but with even worse quality items. There are much better online options out there.

Seriously, a cat is only wondering where it’s next meal is coming from. Hopefully it won’t be you.

Starbucks is truly vile.

Why am I not surprised... ?

The problem is that George probably doesn’t see his past actions as wrong.

Yeah, I didn’t read what you read.

I’ve had similar experiences with a previous boyfriend who happened to be black. I’ve experienced this from white and black people alike. Horrible.