“cheated during the Super Bowl”
Uh, I’m pretty sure Miss Piggy is the absolute apotheosis of glamour and fabulousness, Bonjour, and you should probably ask The Divine Miss Pig for forgiveness for your outrageous slurs.
It is flagrantly criminal to accept tax payer money to perform a job you refuse to perform. It is theft of public funds and fraud.
I presume you will no longer mention Rihanna in any positive way on Jezebel then given that her last video (http://www.vevo.com/watch/rihanna/…/QM5FT1590005, with 45 million views) involves kidnapping, binding, torturing and murdering a woman? Or is it different because she is doing it to mentally torture a man and…
“My anaconda don’t want none unless you got plumes, hun!”
I’m sorry to hear about your loss—I had actually been wondering why I hadn’t seen you commenting as much lately. I’m glad BCO helped, at least in some small way. I hope you guys have whatever you need to make what you’re going through less awful.
Goddamit, I wanted to dismiss this person but these responses are too funny.
God I love you guys today.
Mr. Trump, what an honor!
“Was it Sting?”
Asked what, precisely, explained his obsession with the wrestler, the suspect mentioned her GLOW.
There were clear other examples of her being high maintenance and she explicitly said “if it isn’t hot, I’m sending it back.” She got exactly what she asked for in this case.
I think Kahless would look just darling in a jug of sangria.
Do you think customers deserve to be burned?
You clearly have no idea how shifts work at cheapass restaurants. Here is how my job works:
Hi Colin, I just wanted to thank you for BCO. My father-in-law passed away last Monday morning, and I spent all week making phone calls, driving people around, making arrangements, serving people, and sleeping on my living room floor. It was the week from hell. A few times each day, though, I was able to sneak away…
I once had a b-list celebrity start whining to me at one point because I wouldn't give him the moon and he pulled the “don’t you know who I am” card. It was so satisfying to look him dead in the eyes and reply, “No, I don’t, and I don’t care.” His face was priceless.
From the 1st pizza story: The typical don’t you know who I am etc etc.