
I’m not one of those people who despises Kim Kardashian. I’ve tried to be, but I lack the will to care about her with any degree of intensity beyond that which I feel for breakfast cereal. Which is to say: essentially nil. I think she’s vapid and self-absorbed but is, on the whole, a decent person who works hard and

That’s not really what they’re saying. They’re saying that straight-identified women who have success with men may be more likely to never explore the possibility that they might also be attracted to women. They’re SAYING that a lot of straight people may just not know they aren’t straight because they haven’t tried

Don’t take a job as an executioner then. Don't like the changes to your job? Can't in good conscience do them? Step the fuck down.

I’d like to remind everyone that this “Christian” who thinks marriage is so sacred she simply cannot issue a license to those heathenous gay people, has been married four times. Four.

Christianity is apparently like Choose Your Own Adventure. She can pick out the stuff she likes (hating gays, long denim skirts) and ignore the stuff she doesn’t (divorce is bad).

Oh, the Supreme Court? The Supreme Court that ruled that gay marriage was legal? That Supreme Court? Good luck with that, you ignorant fuck.

I still don’t understand how someone who has been married four times can say with a straight face that it undermines her religious beliefs to allow gay people to marry.

I basically babbled. Something along the lines of, “I’m so glad he has such an open minded and loving family, but I’m not a sex worker and I really only know him from the amazing stories my new coworkers tell me. I’m so sorry for your loss, and I’m sure I would’ve loved him but maybe not that way but maybe that way

So a week after I started this job, a guy who no longer worked at the publication I worked for died in a car accident. I never met him, and he was a copy editor so it wasn’t like I was familiar in any way with him through what he wrote.
But nevertheless, the EOC said everyone needed to go. So I went. And somehow the

Um, because she called him out for beating women and that’s a shitty thing for him to do?

It’s misogynistic based on the blatant fact that they are sexualizing her and making assumptions about her based solely on appearances.

Nothing is funnier than hearing men talk about something they know nothing about. “No, no bro, I swear, she had, like sextuple D’s!” Sure, bro. Sure.

Now playing

First off Ben Carson is horrible should feel horrible and will never be President. Perhaps he should have educated himself about women before shooting his mouth off.

Your outsides are okay and pleasing to look at, but your insides are disgusting meat whores. War is the only option.

Idk right now I got some miso soup and shed uterine tissue in me you wanna fight about it brah

From the AP article:

Cool a fucking misdemeanor. THIS IS WHY THIS SHIT KEEPS HAPPENING.

Best Final Fantasy game bar none. Doesn’t even matter the version.