
I had a freak of a cat who loved water. You’d turn on the shower and leave it to warm up, and BAM, kitty’s in there. You’d bathe the dog and BAM, kitty’s swimming circles around him. She was long-haired and too fat (or fond of baths) to clean herself properly, so there was often a poop situation that made baths a

Most people won’t catch that your reference actually places he two back from “ultimate.” But I did, so I want a star.

IIRC (this is going back a while so I’m not totally certain), that cat was scared of strangers, and reacting to a new person at the time. So she was afraid, but safe, and not ill. And she could have walked away anytime. I wouldn’t worry.

Now playing

Cats will tell you when they don’t want a bath:

My cat lived to be 14. (I got him when I was 14 and was devastated when he died because I’d had him for literally half my life.) Aside from the usual meowing, purring, and chirping, he could “say” no, now, and Mom.

They are almost certainly fine. But if they ever kill a bird in a spectacular fashion, or fall into the toilet after you’ve let the yellow mellow, or come down with a case of fleas that won’t respond to the usual treatments, or refuse to back down from a skunk encounter, or get old and are too fat/arthritic to clean

My friend’s fluffy cat had some kind of dandruff problem (I don’t remember what the actual problem was, this happened when we were 10) so she had to give him a shower. He did not appreciate it. It sounded like the ghost of a cat.

I love the noises cats make when bathed.

I automatically type 1995 everywhere because that was the year Clueless came out.

she was the Ultimate Patriots Fan

Now playing

Here’s the full race. Gatlin just about had this won with 10 meters to go but started flailing and dipping at the line far too early.

The Raven who threw the punch will be cut on Monday. Not for punching someone, but for not doing it in an elevator as team policy dictates.

It’s called practice for a reason son.

Wow, interesting, most Ravens would have used a knife.

Hmmm... thought they only punched women...

It happens to the best of us...

People are willing to believe a 15-year-old has more sexual agency than an adult, if the adult is a woman and the child is male. That’s why people might feel sorry for her, or think she’s mentally ill, or think the young boy made a choice in the matter while the grown woman had no say.

Every. Other. Weekend.

Maybe, maybe not. There was the one teacher that got his fourteen year old student pregnant, and if I remember correctly, he didn’t get more than a month in prison.

I hate this woman.